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              Poverty Alleviation, Sustainable Livelihood and Food Security
                                                                                                  Annual Targets
               Outcome      Outputs        Output                Audited Performance                Estimated                    MTEF Period
                                         Indicators                                               Performance
                                                          2018/19        2019/20      2020/21        2021/22       2022/23       2023/24         2024/25
               Reduced    An imple-     National Food  The assessment   The imple-  -            Develop a      Develop an    Develop an    Evaluate the
               levels of   mented       and Nutrition   of the implemen-  mentation of           report on the   annual report   annual report   implementation
               poverty,   National Food  Security Plan   tation of the Food  the National        implemen-      on the imple-  on the imple-  of the National
               inequality,   and Nutrition   implemented  and Nutrition   Food and Nu-           tation of the   mentation of   mentation of   Food and Nutrition
               vulnera-   Security Plan               Security Plan was  trition Security        National Food   the National   the National   Security Plan
               bility and                             undertaken and   Plan was fa-              and Nutrition   Food And Nu-  Food And Nu-
               social ills                            provinces were   cilitated in all          Security Plan  trition Security  trition Security
                                                      supported to en-  provinces                               Plan          Plan
                                                      sure the adoption
                                                      and implementa-
                                                      tion of the plan
                          Implemented   Programme     New indicator   New indicator  Framework   Finalize the   Link 20 000 so- Link 30 000 so- Evaluate the
                          programme     to link social                              on pro-      Framework for   cial protection  cial protection  implementation of
                          to link social   protection                               gramme to    a programme    beneficiaries   beneficiaries   the programme for
                          protection    beneficiaries                               link social   to link social   to sustainable  to sustainable  linking social pro-
                          beneficiaries   to sustainable                            protection   protection     livelihood op-  livelihood op-  tection beneficia-
                          to sustainable  livelihood                                benefi-      beneficiaries   portunities  portunities   ries to sustainable
                          livelihood op-  opportunities                             ciaries to   to sustainable                             livelihood oppor-
                          portunities   implemented                                 sustainable   livelihoods                               tunities
                                                                                    and ready for
                                                                                    external con-
                          Reviewed      Reviewed      New indicator   New indicator  New indica-  Review the    Submit the    Capacity      Monitor imple-
                          Sustainable   Sustainable                                 tor          Sustainable    reviewed      building on   mentation of the
                          Livelihood    Livelihood                                               Livelihood     Sustainable   reviewed      reviewed Sustain-
                          Framework for  Framework for                                           Framework for   Livelihood   Sustainable   able Livelihood
                          CDPs          CDPs imple-                                              CDPs           Framework     Livelihood    Framework for
                                        mented                                                                  to Cabinet for   Framework for  CDPs
                                                                                                                approval      CDPs

                                                                     ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81