Page 74 - APP DSD 11 4 22 b
P. 74
Annual Targets
Outcome Outputs Output Audited Performance Estimated MTEF Period
Indicators Performance
2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25
An imple- DSD Sector Implemen- As part of facilitat- Three provinces Capacitate Build capacity Monitor im- Monitor im-
mented DSD Funding Pol- tation of the ing the implemen- implemented the provinces on of provinces on plementation plementation
Sector Fund- icy imple- DSD Sector tation of DSD Sec- Sector Funding the the implementa- of the DSD of the DSD
ing Policy mented Funding tor Funding Policy Policy implementation tion of the DSD Sector Fund- Sector Fund-
Policy facili- the following were of DSD Sector Sector Funding ing Policy ing Policy
tated through achieved: Funding Policy Policy
stakeholder The DSD Sector
engagements Funding Policy
with internal was presented
and external at various fo-
stakeholders rums. Service
Funding Level Agreement
norms for Agreement (SLAs)
child and templates were re-
youth care viewed to ensure
workers were alignment with
developed the revised Policy.
and standard- Protocol on pri-
ized across oritization list of
provinces social welfare ser-
vices and service
standards names
was developed
An imple- NPO Sector New indicator New indicator New indicator Develop NPO Implement NPO Monitor Im- Monitor im-
mented NPO payment Sector pay- sector payment plementation plementation
Sector pay- system im- ment system system in all of NPO Sector of NPO Sector
ment system plemented provinces payment payment
system system