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                                                                                                 Annual Targets
               Outcome   Outputs       Output      Audited Performance                              Estimated      MTEF Period
                                       Indicators                                                   Performance

                                                   2018/19       2019/20          2020/21           2021/22        2022/23        2023/24       2024/25
                         An imple-     DSD Sector   Implemen-    As part of facilitat-  Three provinces   Capacitate   Build capacity   Monitor im-  Monitor im-
                         mented DSD    Funding Pol- tation of  the   ing the implemen- implemented the   provinces on   of provinces on   plementation  plementation
                         Sector Fund-  icy imple-  DSD Sector    tation of DSD Sec-  Sector Funding   the          the implementa- of the DSD   of the DSD
                         ing Policy    mented      Funding       tor Funding Policy  Policy         implementation  tion  of the DSD   Sector Fund-  Sector Fund-
                                                   Policy facili-  the following were               of DSD Sector   Sector Funding   ing Policy  ing Policy
                                                   tated through  achieved:                         Funding Policy  Policy
                                                   stakeholder   The DSD Sector
                                                   engagements  Funding Policy
                                                   with internal   was presented
                                                   and external   at various fo-
                                                   stakeholders  rums. Service
                                                   Funding       Level Agreement
                                                   norms for     Agreement (SLAs)
                                                   child and     templates were re-
                                                   youth care    viewed to ensure
                                                   workers were   alignment with
                                                   developed     the revised Policy.
                                                   and standard- Protocol on pri-
                                                   ized across   oritization list of
                                                   provinces     social welfare ser-
                                                                 vices and service
                                                                 standards names
                                                                 was developed
                         An imple-     NPO Sector   New indicator New indicator   New indicator     Develop NPO    Implement NPO  Monitor Im-   Monitor im-
                         mented NPO    payment                                                      Sector  pay-   sector payment   plementation   plementation
                         Sector pay-   system im-                                                   ment system    system in all   of NPO Sector  of NPO Sector
                         ment system   plemented                                                                   provinces      payment       payment
                                                                                                                                  system        system

                                                                     ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN
   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79