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                                                                                                  Annual Targets
               Outcome      Outputs        Output                Audited Performance                Estimated                    MTEF Period
                                         Indicators                                               Performance

                                                          2018/19        2019/20      2020/21        2021/22       2022/23       2023/24         2024/25
                          Conducted     Study on the   New indicator  New indicator  New indica-  New indicator  Conduct a    Capacity      Implementation of
                          Study Re-     Design and                                  tor                         Study on the   Building on   the study recom-
                          port on the   Implemen-                                                               Design and    the Outcomes  mendation
                          Design and    tation Evalu-                                                           Implemen-     on the Design
                          Implemen-     ation of the                                                            tation Evalu-  and Imple-
                          tation Evalu-  Sustainable                                                            ation of the   mentation
                          ation of the   Livelihood                                                             Sustainable   Evaluation
                          Sustainable   Programme                                                               Livelihood    of the Sus-
                          Livelihood    conducted                                                               Programme     tainable
                          Programme                                                                                           Livelihood

                  Output Indicators         Annual Target                Q1                      Q2                     Q3                      Q4
              National Food and Nutri-  Develop an annual report   Produce quarterly report   Produce quarterly report   Produce quarterly report   Develop an annual report
              tion Security Plan imple-  on the implementation   on the implementation   on the implementation   on the implementation   on the implementation
              mented                   of the National Food and   of the National Food and   of the National Food and   of the National Food and   of the National Food and
                                       Nutrition Security Plan  Nutrition Security Plan  Nutrition Security Plan  Nutrition Security Plan  Nutrition Security Plan
              Programme to link social   Link 20 000 social pro-  -                    -                       -                      Link 20 000 social pro-
              protection beneficiaries to   tection beneficiaries to                                                                  tection beneficiaries to
              sustainable livelihood op-  sustainable livelihood                                                                      sustainable livelihood
              portunities implemented  opportunities                                                                                  opportunities
              Reviewed Sustainable Live- Submit the reviewed    Submit the reviewed    Submit the reviewed     Submit the reviewed    Submit the  reviewed
              lihood Framework for CDPs  Sustainable Livelihood   Sustainable Livelihood   Sustainable Livelihood   Sustainable Livelihood   Sustainable Livelihood
              implemented              Framework  to Cabinet for   Framework to different   Framework to the Clusters  Framework  to Cabinet for  Framework to Cabinet
                                       approval                forums                                          approval
              Study on the Design and   Produce a fieldwork report  Design the implemen-  Conduct fieldwork on   Conduct fieldwork on   Produce a fieldwork
              Implementation Evalu-    on the Design and Im-   tation of the Evaluation   a Design and Imple-  a Design and Imple-    report on the Design
              ation of the Sustainable   plementation Evaluation   study of the Sustainable   mentation Evaluation of   mentation Evaluation of   and Implementation
              Livelihood Programme     Study of the Sustainable   Livelihood Programme  Sustainable Livelihood   Sustainable Livelihood   Evaluation Study of the
              conducted                Livelihood Programme                            Programme               Programme              Sustainable Livelihood

                                                                       ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN
   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82