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Non-Profit Organisations
Annual Targets
Outcome Outputs Output Audited Performance Estimated MTEF Period
Indicators Performance
2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25
Reduced Registered % of new New A total of 33 065 A total of 22 685 Process 98% Process 98% Process 98% Process 98%
levels of NPOs applications indicator NPO applications NPO applications of applications of NPO regis- of applica- of applica-
poverty, for NPO were received and were received within two tration appli- tions within tions within
inequality, registration 32 552 were pro- and 13 621 were months of cations within two months two months
vulnera- processed cessed. Of those processed. Of receipt two months of of receipt of receipt
bility and within two processed, 33 299 those processed, receipt
social ills months (97.7%) were pro- 12 551 (55%) were
cessed within two processed within
months two months
Processed % of NPO New A total of 59 118 A total of 29 780 Process 80% Process 80% Process 80% Process 80%
NPO monitor- monitoring indicator NPO reports re- NPO reports re- of monitoring of submitted of monitoring of monitoring
ing reports reports ceived and 55 866 ceived and 18 809 reports within NPO annual reports within reports within
processed were processed. were processed. Of two months of reports within two months two months
within two A total of 26 178 those processed, receipt two months of of receipt of receipt
months of (44.3%) were pro- 17 950 (60.3%) receipt
receipt cessed within two were processed
months within two months
An imple- NPO New New indicator New indicator Develop NPO Capacitate Implement Implement
mented NPO Mentorship indicator Mentorship stakeholders NPO Mentor- NPO Mentor-
Mentorship Model im- Model to implement ship Model ship Model
Model plemented NPO Mentorship