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               Output Indicators      Annual Target          Q1                     Q2                     Q3                      Q4
               % of new applications   Process 98% of NPO    Process 98% of NPO     Process 98% of NPO     Process 98% of NPO      Process 98% of NPO
               for NPO registration   registration applications   registration applications   registration applications   registration applications   registration applications
               processed within two   within two months of   within two months of   within two months of   within two months of    within two months of
               months                 receipt                receipt                receipt                receipt                 receipt

               % of NPO monitoring    Process 80% of  submit-  Process 80% of  submit-  Process 80% of  submit-  Process 80% of  submit-  Process 80% of  submit-
               reports processed within   ted NPO annual reports   ted NPO annual reports    ted NPO annual reports    ted NPO annual reports    ted NPO annual reports
               two months of receipt   within two months of   within two months of    within two months of    within two months of    within two months of
                                      receipt                receipt                receipt                receipt                 receipt
               NPO Mentorship Model   Capacitate stakeholders   Develop the stakeholder   Capacitate stakeholders   Capacitate stakeholders   Capacitate stakeholders
               implemented            to implement NPO Men-  capacity building imple-  in three provinces  in three provinces      in three provinces
                                      torship Model          menting plan
               DSD Sector Funding Poli-  Build capacity of provinc-  Develop capacity-build-  Conduct capacity build-  Conduct capacity build-  Develop a consolidat-
               cy  implemented        es on the implementa-  ing manual             ing in four provinces    ing in five provinces  ed report on capacity
                                      tion    of the DSD Sector                                                                    building
                                      Funding Policy
               NPO Sector payment     Implement NPO sector   Develop pilot Implemen-  Pilot and train users in   Train users at national   Train users in three
               system implemented     payment system in all   tation Plan           three provinces to imple-  and in two provinces to   provinces to implement
                                      provinces              Develop draft training   ment the system      implement system        system
                                                             manual for implementa-  Update training manual
                                                             tion                   based on outcome of the
                                                                                    pilot implementation

                                                                       ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN
   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80