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P. 71
Annual Targets
Outcome Outputs Output Audited Performance Estimated MTEF Period
Indicators Performance
2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25
Function- An implemented National Com- Imple- Community Draft National Consulted Na- Submit the draft Submit draft Implement the
al, effi- National Com- munity Devel- menta- Develop- Community tional Commu- National Com- National Commu- National Commu-
cient and munity Develop- opment Policy tion of ment Prac- Development nity Develop- munity Develop- nity Development nity Development
integrated ment Policy approved Com- tice Policy Policy has ment Policy ment Policy to Policy to Cabinet Policy
sector munity been finalised SPCHD Cluster for for approval
Devel- approval
Output Indicators Annual Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Number of districts capac- Capacitate 18 districts on Capacitate five districts Capacitate five districts Capacitate four districts on Capacitate four districts
itated on the Community the Community on the Community Mo- on the Community Mo- the Community Mobilisation on the Community Mo-
Mobilisation and Empow- Mobilisation and Empow- bilisation and Empower- bilisation and Empower- and Empowerment Frame- bilisation and Empower-
erment Framework erment ment Framework towards ment Framework towards work towards the implemen- ment Framework towards
Framework towards im- the implementation of the implementation of tation of DDM the implementation of
plementation of DDM DDM DDM DDM
Number of districts with Coordinate DSD partic- Develop draft guideline Consulation on the draft Coordinate DSD participation Report on the DSD par-
DSD participation ipation in the Districts on DSD Sector participa- guideline on DSD Sector in the Districts Development ticipation in the Districts
Development Model in 18 tion in the DDM participation in the DDM Model in 18 districts Development Model in 18
districts districts
Number of CDPs trained Train 840 CDPs on Com- Train 210 CDPs on Com- Train 210 CDPs on Com- Train 210 CDPs on Community Train 210 CDPs on Commu-
on Community Devel- munity Development munity Development munity Development Development Practice and Meth- nity Development Practice
opment Practice and Practice and Methodol- Practice and Methodol- Practice and Methodol- odologies and Methodologies
Methodologies ogies ogies ogies
National Community Submit the draft National Update the draft National Submit and present to Submit the draft National Submit the draft National
Development Policy Community Develop- Community Develop- internal DSD governance Community Development Community Develop-
approved ment Policy to SPCHD ment Policy with inputs structures Policy for SEAIS certification ment Policy to SPCHD
Cluster for approval from the consultation Cluster for approval