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              Youth Development
                                                                                                   Annual Targets
                 Outcome       Outputs       Output                Audited Performance                Estimated                   MTEF Period
                                           Indicators                                                Performance
                                                         2018/19          2019/20        2020/21       2021/22       2022/23      2023/24        2024/25
               Reduced levels   A produced   DSD Youth   The imple-  Facilitated the im-  Youth     Capacity      Produce an    Produce an    Produce an M&E
               of poverty,   M&E report   Develop-     mentation     plementation of the   Develop-  building of   M&E report on  M&E report   report on the
               inequality, vul-  on the imple- ment Policy   of the Social   DSD Youth  ment Policy  nine provinces   the imple-  on the imple-  implementation
               nerability and   mentation   M&E Tool im- Development  Development       has been    on the imple-  mentation of   mentation   of the DSD Youth
               social ills   of the DSD   plemented    Youth Policy   Strategy by hosting   finalised  mentation of   the DSD Youth  of the DSD   development
                             Youth De-                 was facilitat-  a national workshop          the DSD Youth   development   Youth devel-  Policy
                             velopment                 ed through    and nine provincial            Development   Policy        opment Policy
                             Policy                    hosting of    workshops                      Policy
                                                       with all prov-
                             Skilled youth  Number     New indicator  New indicator     New         New Indicator  Train 600    700 youth     800 youth
                                          of youth                                      indicator                 youth on the   trained on   trained on the
                                          participating                                                           skills develop- the skills   skills devel-
                                          in skills de-                                                           ment pro-     development  opment pro-
                                          velopment                                                               gramme        programme     gramme

                 Output Indicators         Annual Target                 Q1                      Q2                     Q3                      Q4
               DSD Youth Development   Produce an M&E report on   Develop DSD Youth Policy   Consultation of the DSD   Monitor implementation   Produce an M&E report
               Policy M&E Tool imple-  the implementation of the   Monitoring and Evaluation   Youth Policy Monitoring   of the DSD Youth Policy   on the implementation of
               mented                 DSD Youth Development    Tool                     and Evaluation Tool    through the M&E Tool   the DSD Youth develop-
                                      Policy                                                                                          ment Policy

               Number of Youth partic-  Train 600 youth on the skills  Develop youth skills devel-  300 youth trained on   300 youth trained on   Report on the implemen-
               ipating in skills develop-  development programme  opment implementation   the skills development   the skills development   tation of the skills devel-
               ment programmes                                 plan                     programme              programme              opment programme

                                                                     ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN
   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77