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              Population and Development
                                                                                                      Annual Targets
               Outcome        Outputs            Output               Audited Performance            Estimated                   MTEF Period
                                                Indicators                                          Performance
                                                              2018/19    2019/20      2020/21         2021/22        2022/23       2023/24        2024/25
               Reduced   Produced monitoring  Population Policy   New   New       Research Report   Monitor the im- Monitor and   Monitor and   Monitor and
               levels of   report on the im-  implemented    indicator  indicator  on Youth Percep-  plementation   report on the   report on the   report on the
               poverty,   plementation of the                                     tion Survey  on   of the Popula-  implemen-   implementa-    implementa-
               inequal-  Population Policy                                        Socio-economic,   tion Policy   tation of the   tion of the Pop- tion of the Pop-
               ity, vul-                                                          Health, & Gender                Population    ulation Policy  ulation Policy
               nerability                                                         on the impact of                Policy
               and social                                                         COVID-19 was not
               ills                                                               conducted
                         Implemented        Adolescent Sexual  New      New       A total of 178 495  -           Implement the  Implement the  Implement the
                         Adolescent Sexual   and Reproductive   indicator  indicator  young people                Adolescent    Adolescent     Adolescent
                         and Reproductive   Health and Rights                     participated in                 Sexual and    Sexual and     Sexual and
                         Health and Rights   Programme imple-                     the sexual, repro-              Reproductive   Reproductive   Reproductive
                         Programme          mented                                ductive and                     Health and    Health and     Health and
                                                                                  rights online                   Rights pro-   Rights pro-    Rights pro-
                                                                                  advocacy                        gramme        gramme         gramme
                                                                                  campaign across
                                                                                  28 districts
               Func-     Produced monitor-  Framework on     New        New       New indicator    Capacitate     Produce mon-  Produce Mon-   Produce mon-
               tional,   ing reports on the   integration of   indicator  indicator                nine provinces   itoring reports   itoring reports   itoring reports
               efficient   implementation of   Population Policy                                   on the imple-  on the imple-  on the imple-  on the imple-
               and in-   the Framework on   into District De-                                      mentation of   mentation of   mentation of   mentation of
               tegrated   integration of Pop-  velopment Model                                     the integration  the framework   the framework   the framework
               sector    ulation Policy in the   implemented                                       of Population   on integration   on integration   on integration
                         District Development                                                      Policy into the   of Population   of Population   of Population
                         Model                                                                     District Devel-  Policy in the   Policy in the   Policy in the
                                                                                                   opment Model   District Devel-  District Devel-  District Devel-
                                                                                                                  opment Model  opment Model   opment Model
                         Municipalities trained  Number of munic-  New   New      New indicator    Train 92 munic- Train 92 munic- Train 92 munic- Evaluation of
                         on integrating     ipalities trained   indicator  indicator               ipalities on the   ipalities on the  ipalities on the   the  Integrat-
                         Migration issues into  on integrating                                     Integrating Mi-  Integrating Mi-  Integrating Mi-  ing Migration
                         the Integrated Devel- migration issues                                    gration issues   gration issues   gration issues   issues into the
                         opment             into the IDPs                                          into the IDP   into the IDP  into the IDP   IDP

                                                                     ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN
   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83