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1. Reduced levels of As a result of the interdependent nature of the work of the • Development of protocol agreements and utilization of Intergovernmental
poverty, inequality, Department, there is a chance that DSD would not receive the Relations (IGR) mechanisms to foster co-operation and accountability
vulnerability and necessary cooperation from other Departments and spheres of • Establishment of structures for engagement with appropriate Departments
social ills government to implement the DSD programmes which may and provinces to foster integrated planning and implementation
lead to the non-achievement of policy and legislative objectives
As a result of inadequate capacity and fraud prevention • Operationalisation of the Inspectorate
strategies, there is a chance of defrauding the social assistance • Conduct audit of SASSA’s disability grant medical review processes
grant system which would lead to loss of public funds and • Prioritisation of Fraud Prevention Strategy, Plan and Whistle Blowing Policy
reputational damage review at SASSA
• Development and implementation of Electronic fraud detection system at
• Anti-fraud messaging and promotion of SASSA services through virtual
communication, electronic and print media
As a result of inadequate oversight to the agencies and • Implement the Entity Oversight and Governance Framework.
entities (statutory bodies), there is a chance that governance • Amend the South African Social Security Act.
and performance mandates assigned to them could be • Amendment of the NDA Act to redefine the mandate and scope.
compromised leading to negative AG-SA audit opinions • Conclude the agency and entity shareholder agreements with the respective
Executives in the agencies and entities.
• Establish the appropriate oversight mechanisms that relate to the Central
Drug Authority and the South African Council for Social Service Professionals.
• Appoint a service provider to assist with the Entity Oversight function and
augment the skills and capacity shortage in the oversight unit if required.
• Conduct a benchmark exercise on entity oversight role in comparable
national Departments
In spite of efforts to the development of an Electronic M&E • Finalize the development and implement the Electronic M&E System for the
System for the sector as well as many evaluation studies sector
conducted largely to measure the implementation and • Develop a monitoring and evaluation plan towards the measurement of the
effectiveness, the inability of DSD to invest in conducting strategic outcome indicators.
impact evaluation studies robs the DSD with an opportunity • Establish partnerships with relevant institutions to effectively measure the
to determine the impact of their policies and programmes in outcomes and impacts
reducing poverty, inequality and social ills • Allocate the relevant budget to support the Evaluation and Impact Study
Plan from the Branch where possible
• Presentation of the five-year plan with costing implications to EXCO and
budget committee for further consideration from the Departmental budget
• Conduct the impact evaluation studies