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2. Empowered, As a result of the current socio economic condition of the • Establish community structures or utilize existing community structures
resilient individuals, country, there is a chance of unrest in communities that may to foster an effective working relationship to deal with challenges in the
families and lead to DSD not being able to undertake its activities in those communities
sustainable communities • Facilitate the required interventions in communities where applicable
As a result of irregular reviews of the sustainable livelihoods • Subject programmes to a review to validate its design to produce the
programme, there is a chance that the sustainable livelihood desired results
programme may not be effective which may lead to wasteful • Based on the review, redesign the programme if necessary and measure
expenditure • Its adequacy and effectiveness
3. Functional, As a result of the concurrent function between DSD national • Conduct joint planning between national and provinces to ensure
Efficient and and provinces, there is a chance of misalignment of national agreement on priorities; indicators for measurement and alignment of plans
Integrated Sector plans to provincial plans which may lead to different priorities • Development of a DSD sector plan and approval
being addressed • Conduct quality assurance of provincial plans to national plans
• Monitor the implementation of the national, and provincial plans and report
to applicable governance structures
As a result of slow economic growth, there is a chance that • Prioritize DSD interventions with the greatest impact
National and Provincial Treasuries will further impose budget • Explore alternate funding sources and establish partnerships with the
reductions on DSD which may lead to the inability of DSD to private sector to augment DSD resources
execute all its activities
As a result of a lack of a fully functional DSD data warehouse • The integration of all DSD silo systems
with a management information system, there is a chance that • The implementation of an electronic M&E system for the DSD sector
DSD may not be able to plan effectively which may lead to • The development of a knowledge management strategy and data
ineffective strategies being designed warehouse
As a result of a lack of a digital transformation strategy, there is • Develop a digital transformation strategy that articulates the plan for
a chance that the DSD services may not be efficiently optimized business process reengineering and automation
and remotely accessible to beneficiaries which may lead to • To develop a costing model
service delivery delays for the most vulnerable • To implement and monitor the plan in the outer years
As a result of the current COVID-19 pandemic, there is a chance • Monitoring of the COVID 19 statistics
that future waves of the COVID-19 pandemic may occur which • Updating of the DSD risk adjusted strategy
may lead to DSD not being able to adequately provide its • Continuous engagement with the sector through the established
services governance structures to manage the COVID-19 DSD sector response