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                                                       PROGRAMME 5: SOCIAL POLICY AND INTEGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY
              SUB PROGRAMMES                   2017/18       2018/19        2019/20       2020/21       2021/22       2022/23        2023/24      2024/25
                                                                 Audited Outcome                         Budget                       MTEF
               Social  Policy  Research  and                 4 889                 6 408                  6 489                  4 832              6 420                  6 579                  6 484                  6 775
               Special Projects and Innovation                10 212                 6 764                  8 380                  6 802            11 990                12 280                12 121                12 665
               Population Policy Promotion                  35 443               33 560                27 670                            22 453            37 847                38 773                              38 306                40 026

               Registration and Monitoring of                36 704                 36 803                43 256                34 485            40 913                                    41 910                                41 386                43 245

               Non-Profit Organisations
               Substance    Abuse    Advisory                 3 630                 4 759                  5 004                  3 740              6 893                  7 069                  7 044                  7 359
               Services and Oversight
               Community Development                        91 371               95 186                99 011                26 314            30 115                29 863                29 564                30 891

               National Development Agency                200 916                            202 578              212 355                            216 240          215 970                                  219 274              220 116              230 001

               Programme Management                           3 424                  4 254                  3 958                                3 456              3 787                                      3 884                                  3 839                  4 009

              Grand Total                             386 589                          390 312                          406 123                          318 322                          353 935                          359 632          358 860                          374 971
              Current payments                       126 494                      125 745              127 053                99 195          134 832  137 421              135 755             141 846
               Compensation of employees                  80 655                             84 555                87 937                82 035                             87 425                88 241                86 398                            90 277
               Goods and services                  45 839                             41 190                39 116                17 160                47 407                                 49 180                49 357                            51 569
              Transfers and subsidies                                        264 354              278 409              218 548                           218 150                          221 203                              222 053                              232 026
                                                 259 971
               Departmental   agencies   and                                 202 578              212 355              216 240              215 970              219 274              220 116                              230 001
               accounts                           200 913
               Foreign    governments    and               1 865                  1 632                  1 504                  1 638                  1 993                  1 734                  1 740                                   1 818
               international organisations
               Non-profit institutions                     30795                59 943                64 550  -   -             -             -                 -

               Households                                  26398                     201                     670                     187                                              195                                                      197                     207

               Higher education institutions           -                     -       -             -              -             -             -             -
                                                                       ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN
   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86