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Community development programme implementation is geared towards increasing public trust and confidence through effective yet fair regulation of Non-
empowering communities through capacity enhancement and creation of structures. Profit Organisations.
Poverty and inequality continues to ravage communities as experienced through
multi deprivation and vulnerabilities which includes poor nutrition, unemployment, The Department’s outcome of reducing poverty levels requires the contribution of
poor education and poor health outcomes. The programme will intensify its efforts the NPO Sector in delivering programmes towards achieving the set outcome. This
to ensure that vulnerable households and communities are profiled to determine requires that NPOs understand NPO legislation and compliance thereof in order to be
their socio-economic needs. The Programme will conduct community capacity credible and accountable entities that can deliver on their respective mandates. The
enhancement in all nine provinces to bolster social cohesion. planned outputs on the provision of education and awareness programmes to NPOs
will lead to an empowered and strengthened sector that is able to deliver quality
Functional community structures will be created as part of prevention and addressing services to vulnerable and poor communities thus improving quality of life.
social ills in communities. Out of 19,1 grant recipients, the programme intends to
target 2% to link the beneficiaries to sustainable livelihood opportunities as a means The programme will in the next MTSF implement the National Food and Nutrition
to alleviate poverty and build sustainable communities. Building sustainable, vibrant Security plan for South Africa that seeks to ensure implementation of food and nutrition
and healthy communities is this programme’s largest contribution towards achieving security initiatives targeting the vulnerable individuals and households. This will be
the mandate of the Department and this work is done throughout the provinces. accomplished through coordination of the DSD food and nutrition interventions
The programme will facilitate the implementation of the NPO Funding Policy and which include all centre based feeding programmes providing nutritious food to the
Partnership Model, thereby ensuring uniformity in the Sector. The programme will poor and vulnerable in partnership with Civil Society organizations, Social Partners
also ensure the development of the overarching Community Development Policy and Agencies. The Department is also in the process of amending the National
that will harness implementation of community development in the country. Development Act. The amendments to the Act will address the current challenges in
the implementation of the NDA Act.
Through the EPWP, the programme will continue to create meaningful work
opportunities as a social protection safety net for vulnerable individuals over the MTSF Community development will seek to ensure development of the National
period. This is in line with government’s commitment to job creation as contained in Community Development Policy Framework, with an emphasis on the creation of
the Phase 4 EPWP business plan approved by Cabinet. vibrant and sustainable communities. The Department will also prioritise the linking
of CSG recipients below 60 years of age to sustainable livelihood opportunities. The
The programme also administers the NPO Act and has identified the following outputs; community development branch will continue with the development of a policy
NPO Policy framework, turnaround time on NPO registration, NPO compliance framework, guidelines and tools to enhance community development within the
monitoring and NPO education and awareness programmes as pillars that will ensure country.
the outcome “Reduced levels of poverty” is achieved. This is hoped to be achieved by