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               Output Indicators      Annual Target          Q1                     Q2                     Q3                      Q4
               Population Policy imple-  Monitor and report on   Present and deliberate on  Inception of the Popu-  Progress report on the   Report on “Population and
               mented                 the implementation of   the South African report   lation Based Scenario   South African commit-  sustainable development,
                                      the Population Policy  on “Population and Sus-  Project              ments to the Nairobi    in particular sustained and
                                                             tainable Development,                         Summit on ICPD+25       inclusive economic growth”
                                                             in particular sustained                                               developed for the UNCPD
                                                             and inclusive economic
                                                             growth” for the 54th
                                                             session of the UNCPD

               Adolescent Sexual and   Implement the Adoles-  -                     World Population Day   Sexual Reproductive     Adolescent Sexual and Re-
               Reproductive Health and   cent Sexual and Repro-                     event on Sexual and    Justice Conference      productive Health and Rights
               Rights Programme imple- ductive Health and Rights                    Reproductive Health and   conducted            Programme Improvement
               mented                 Programme                                     Rights conducted                               Plan finalized

               Framework on integra-  Produce monitoring     Promote the implemen-  Curriculum Development  Municipalities, govern-  Produce monitoring reports
               tion of Population Policy   reports on the implemen- tation of the framework   of the Population Policy   ment Departments and   on the implementation of the
               into District Development  tation of the framework   on integration of Popula-  Orientation Training Pro-  civil society capacitated   framework on integration of
               Model implemented      on integration of Popula-  tion Policy in the District   gramme      on the Population Policy   Population Policy in the Dis-
                                      tion Policy in the District   Development Model                      Orientation Training Pro-  trict Development Model
                                      Development Model                                                    gramme
               Number of municipalities  Train 92 municipalities on  Train 23 municipalities on  Train 23 municipalities on  Train 23 municipalities on  Train 23 municipalities on
               trained on integrating mi- the integrating migration  the integration of migra-  the integration of migra-  the integration of migra-  the integration of migration
               gration issues into the IDP issues into the IDP  tion issues into the IDPs  tion issues into the IDPs  tion issues into the IDPs  issues into the IDPs

                                                                       ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN
   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84