Page 156 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 156

PART D: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT                                                                                     HUMAN RESOURCE OVERSIGHT STATISTICS
        3.8. Performance Rewards
        To encourage good performance, the Department has granted the following performance rewards during the year under review. The information is presented in terms of race, gender, disability, salary bands
        and critical occupations (see definition in notes below).

        Table 3.8.1 Performance Rewards by race, gender and disability for the period 01 April 2021 to 31 March 2022

                                                                 Beneficiary Profile                                                   Cost
         Race and Gender
                                      Number of beneficiaries   Number of employees    % of the total within group     Cost (R’000)        Average cost per employee
           Male                               27                       243                      11.1                     795.29                   29 455
           Female                             47                       439                      10.7                    1 024.13                  21 790
           Male                               0                         5                        0                         0                         0
           Female                             1                         8                       12.5                     143.06                   143 062
           Male                               1                         2                       50.0                     113.00                   112 758
           Female                             4                        15                       26.7                     59.49                    14 872
           Male                               3                        11                       27.30                    211.18                   70 392
           Female                             4                        19                       21.0                     158.13                   39 533
         Persons with Disabilities            0                        13                        0.0                       0                         0
         Total                                87                       755                      11.5                    2 504.05                 28 782.00

        Table 3.8.2 Performance Rewards by salary band for personnel below Senior Management Service for the period 01 April 2021 to 31 March 2022
                                                        Beneficiary Profile                                         Cost                      Total cost as a % of the
         Salary band
                                                                            % of total within salary                       Average cost per      total personnel
                                Number of beneficiaries  Number of employees                        Total Cost (R’000)                            expenditure
                                                                                   bands                                     employee
         Lower Skilled (Levels 1-2)      1                     1                    100                  6.15                  6 152                 10%
         Skilled (level 3-5)            14                    112                  12.50                 62.53                 4 467                  7%
         Highly skilled production
         (level 6-8)                    38                    275                  13.80                625.23                16 453                 27%
         Highly skilled supervision
         (level 9-12)                   21                    275                  7.60                 688.73                32 797                 55%
         Total                          74                    665                  11.10                1 494.55              20 197                 34%

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