Page 154 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 154

PART D: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT                                                                                     HUMAN RESOURCE OVERSIGHT STATISTICS
        Table 3.6.6 Disciplinary action for the period 01 April 2021 to 31 March 2022
         Disciplinary action                                                             Male                                   Female                     Total
                                                                        African   Coloured   Indian    White     African   Coloured   Indian    White
         Written warning                                                   5         0         1         0         1          0         0         0         7
         Final written warning                                             1         0         0         0         0          0         0         0         1
         Dismissal                                                         0         1         0         0         0          0         0         0         1
         Not guilty                                                        3         0         0         0         5          1         0         1         10
         Total                                                             9         1         1         0         6          1         0         1         19

        Table 3.6.7 Skills development for the period 01 April 2021 to 31 March 2022
                                                    Occupational category               Male                                    Female                     Total
                                                                        African   Coloured   Indian    White     African  Coloured    Indian    White
         Legislators, senior officials and managers                       13         0         1         1         17        1          0         3         36
         Professionals                                                    23         0         0         0         50        2          0         3         78
         Technicians and associate professionals                          28         1         0         0         36        2          1         0         68
         Clerks                                                           19         0         0         0         42        0          1         0         62
         Service and sales workers                                        0          0         0         0         0         0          0         0         0
         Skilled agriculture and fishery workers                          0          0         0         0         0         0          0         0         0
         Craft and related trades workers                                 0          0         0         0         0         0          0         0         0
         Plant and machine operators and assemblers                       0          0         0         0         0         0          0         0         0
         Elementary occupations                                           0          0         0         0         1         0          0         0         1
         Total                                                            83         1         1         1        146        5          2         6        245
         Employees with disabilities                                      1          0         0         0         1         0          0         0         2

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