Page 78 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 78

PART B: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION                                                                                                 PERFORMANCE BY PROGRAMME

        Community Mobilisation and Empowerment (Continued )
         Outcome               Reduced levels poverty, inequality, vulnerable and social ills
         Output                Output Indicator      Actual Achievement    Actual Achievement    Annual Target 2021/22  Actual Output 2021/22   Reasons for Deviation from
                                                     2019/20               2020/21                                                           2021/22 target
         Training of Community   Number of CDPs       N/A                   N/A                  Train eight hundred (800)   Eight hundred and   There was more demand
         Development Practitioners  trained                                                      CDPs on community     fourteen (814) CDPs   for the training by some of
         (CDPs)                                                                                  development practice and  has been trained   the provinces.
                                                                                                 methodologies         on community
                                                                                                                       development practice and
         Outcome               Functional, efficient, and integrated sector
         National              National Community    Facilitated Implementation  National Community  Consulted National  National Community   No deviation
         Community             Development Policy    of Community          Development Policy    Community Development   Development Policy has
         Development           approved              Development Practice                        Policy                been consulted with
         Policy                                      Policy through capacity   has been finalised                      stakeholders
                                                     building of Community
                                                     Development Practice
                                                     Forums members in all
         Amended NDA Act       NDA Act reviewed      N/A                   N/A                   Develop a concept     Concept document on   No deviation
                                                                                                 document on amendment  amendment of NDA Act
                                                                                                 of NDA Act            has been developed

        Youth Development
         Outcome               Reduced levels poverty, inequality, vulnerable and social ills
         Output                Output Indicator      Actual Achievement    Actual Achievement    Annual Target 2021/22  Actual Output 2021/22   Reasons for Deviation
                                                     2019/20               2020/21                                                           from 2021/22 target
         Youth Development Policy  Youth Development Policy  N/A           Youth Development Policy  Capacity building of   Capacity building on the   No deviation
                               implemented                                 has been finalised    nine Provinces on the   DSD Youth Policy 2021-
                                                                                                 implementation of Youth   2030 was conducted in all
                                                                                                 Development Policy    provinces

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