Page 76 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 76

PART B: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION                                              PERFORMANCE BY PROGRAMME

        To this end, a total of two hundred and ninety (290) cases have    Population and Development
        been reported to the Department and four (4) serious cases have
        been investigated comprehensively. As such, a forensic report was   During the  year under review, the Department conducted eight
        produced recommending how to proceed with the matter further.   (8) training sessions on Population Migration, Human Rights
        The Department received feedback from FIC on the list of NPOs that   and Sustainable Development. The training took place in six (6)
        were suspected to be used as conduits for fraud, money laundering   provinces namely, North-West, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Free State,
        and  terror  financing.  FIC  is  currently  analysing  the  data  and  the   Limpopo, and Western Cape. The training enhanced the knowledge
        findings will be share with the Department.           of sixty-seven (67) municipalities to manage and respond effectively
                                                              to migration issues.
        Development of Regulations for NPOs
        In order to enhance NPO regulation to be able to respond to new   Furthermore, the  Department  capacitated provincial  population
        challenges and improved efficiency, the Department is in process   units on the integration of the Population Policy issues into the
        to  amend  the  Non-profit  Organizations  (Act  No.71  of  1997),   District Development Model (DDM). As a result, provinces provided
        as amended Act, 2000 (Act No.17 of 2000). To this end, the NPO   technical inputs into the diagnostic, demographic and people
        Amendment Bill has been developed, and Gazzeted for public   development sections of some of the DDM One Plans. Similarly,
        comments.                                             fifty-two (52) One Plans were assessed and reports were presented
                                                              at the national DDM Quality Assurance Panel. A draft Framework
        NPO Investigations Email                              on  the Integration of  the Population  Policy  into the  DDM  was
        In  order  to  improve  access  to  the  services  by  the  Non-Profit   developed. The framework will guide and be used as a standard
        Organisation unit by the public, a complaints email has been   approach for population units in providing hands on support to
        activated wherein complainants can liaise directly with compliance   municipalities.
        officials  and  to  deposit  documents.  Since  it  is  a  two-way  email,
        officials are able to communicate back and seek more clarity on   During the reporting period, the Department produced three (3)
        the cases raised. This has increased response time as compared in   monitoring reports for the implementation of the population policy
        the past.                                             in the country.
                                                               i.  “Population and Sustainable Development, in sustained and
        NPO Funding Coordination                                  inclusive economic growth” was produced for reporting at the
        During  the  reporting  period,  the  Department  developed  a   54th session of the United Nations Commission on Population
        comprehensive funding framework to guide the management of   and development.
        transfers to NPOs, the second set of guidelines, namely SFP Guideline   ii.  A Youth Perception Study on the Socio-Economic, Health and
        02 (Managing applications and concluding agreements), including   Gender on the impact of COVID-19 study was conducted and
        corresponding tools, were developed through consultations with   three (3) survey reports were produced. The findings provide
        provinces. Provinces are capacitated on an ongoing basis, on the   targeted insights into the implications of the COVID-19
        policy and guidelines, through various platforms, including senior   pandemic for youth in South Africa.
        management forums.                                     iii.The South African Commitments to Nairobi Summit ICPD+25
                                                                  Progress Review Report which reports initiatives that are
        During  the  period  under  review,  the  Department’s  officials  were   linked to the National Development Plan, the governments
        also capacitated on DSD-NPO Partnership Model. The Department,   Mid  Term Strategic Plans 2019-2024, and the government
        through this unit participated in the Northern Cape MEC Roadshow   priorities 2019-2024.
        for Strengthening Partnerships with Civil Society Organisations.
        Some of the key aspects of this engagement related to the Policy   During the period under review, the Department convened a national
        and the DSD-NPO Partnership Model. Representatives from fifty-  Migration Conference from 26 - 30 July 2021.The conference covered
        four (54) NPOs attended the roadshow under the theme, “Building a   themes  such  as “international  migration,  internal  migration  and
        compliant, sustainable, progressive NPO sector”.      urbanisation, substantive issues and migration policies”. A Forum on
                                                              migration and urbanisation in South Africa was officially launched
        The Department continues to provide financial support in the form   at the conference which aims to coordinate and consolidate the
        of transfers to NPOs that render developmental social services.   evidence-based for migration policy, and to provide guidance
        For the 2021/22 financial year, a total of twenty-two (22 ) national   on migration and Urbanisation Policy decisions and plans in the
        bodies (NPOs) were funded at national level through  various   country.
        programmes and in line with the mandate of the Department. In
        an endeavour to simplify the funding process, the Department
        commenced with the development of a prototype and a baseline
        NPO  payment  system  with  standard  modules  which  have  also
        been tested for functionality. The system is aimed at centralising
        the payments for effective monitoring and reporting and it will be
        implemented across all the provinces.

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