Page 73 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 73
Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery
Programme Purpose
• A joint DSD Coordinator’s meeting and National Steering
Committee (NSC) meeting strengthening coordination of the
To support community development and promote evidence-based
policy making in the DSD Sector sector.
Social Policy Community Mobilisation and Empowerment
During the period under review, the Department conducted
The Department through this unit developed four (4) policy briefs
to inform research and policy development initiatives for the sector, consultation on the National Community Development Policy.
these are; Once approved, the policy will ensure that there are coordinated
i. Role of Social Policy in the Management of Social and integrated community development interventions by all
Transformations (MOST)” which is a multi-stakeholder stakeholders in communities. These deliverables contribute to
programme aimed at improving social cohesion and addressing government’s priority on consolidating the social wage through
social inequalities through evidence-based policymaking. reliable and quality basic services since it seeks to ensure that all
ii. Improving the craft of policy development: Offerings from community interventions are implemented in a way that it has an
knowledge hubs” which is about ‘a knowledge repository that impact in the lives of the people. The Department is also in the
makes a difference’ and has an impact in terms of shifting process of amending the National Development Agency Act,1998
social perceptions and practices, including in education, (Act No.108 of 1998).
health, the general media, and in societies as a whole, with
the ‘soft powers’ playing a central role. The amendment of the Act is aimed at ensuring that the NDA
iii. Special R350 COVID-19 SRD Grant - Eligible beneficiaries, becomes a well-functional government agency sufficiently
annual cost, and impact on poverty” aimed at assisting supported in terms of governance and also in terms of provision
planners and decision makers to improve and consider policy of resources to respond to national development challenges. To
options where SRD grants of this nature are paid in the future. this end, the Department also developed a concept document on
iv. COVID-19 pandemic and exploring a single citizen database/ the amendment of the NDA Act. The concept document provides
social protection register in South Africa – ‘’what are the clarity on areas of amendment in the Act including motivation
issues” afforded the social security sector to further explore for the need to reposition and repurpose the NDA in line with the
what the concept of a single data-base could mean for South government priorities as outlined in the National Development
Africa. Plan (NDP), and the Medium-Term Strategic Framework (MTSF)
ruling party manifesto.
The Policy Briefs have thus given the Department and other
stakeholders objective summaries of relevant social research, made During the period under review, the Department trained eight
recommendations for possible policy options, or given further hundred and fourteen (814) Community Development Practitioners
arguments for particular courses of action based on research (CDPs) on community development practice and methodologies
evidence. These are intended to generate discourse and debate and comprised of training on Community Development Norms and
are not necessarily the views of the Department. Standards, DSD Sector Strategy 2021/2025, implementation of
the findings of the Social Service Practitioners (SSPs) skills audit,
Special Projects and Innovation CDP professionalisation update, capacity building of Community
Development Supervisors in preparation for placement of Bachelor
of Community Development (BCD) students, Disciplinary Codes and
The Department continues to lead implementation of the
Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) for the Sector. The Procedures, Household and Community Profiling using National
sector constitutes of the following government departments; Integrated Social Information System (NISIS) and Community
Social Development, Health, Education, Community Safety, Sports Capacity Enhancement (CCE). The immediate result is the improve
Arts and Culture. These departments contributed to the EPWP by of quality of standard in the delivery of services by the CDPs. The
providing temporary employment possibilities to the community’s intervention is to improve the quality of services provided by the
marginalised and underprivileged. To this end, the Social Sector Community Development Practitioners to the communities. The
exceeded its set target of 175 253 by creating 210 378 work initiatives contribute to government priority contributing towards
opportunities which translates to 120% achievement of target. As consolidating the social wage through reliable and quality basic
part of coordinating the Expanded Public Works Programme, the services since the training of CDPs will improve the standards of
Department convened the following sessions: the delivery of DSD services thereby resulting in the provision of
• EPWP Social Sector Induction Workshop with Social Sector reliable and quality basic services to communities.
District and Municipal Managers in three (3) provinces, namely,
Limpopo, KwaZulu-Natal and Free State. The aim the workshop The Department also conducted capacity building programmes on
was to familiarise these managers with the EPWP Social Sector Community Mobilisation and Empowerment (CME) Framework in all
Programme and their role in the programme. provinces. The aim of the capacity building is to empower provinces
• EPWP Social Sector Induction Workshop to provide NGO’s and on their facilitation of framework and improved the skills level of
EPWP participants with information about their respective the CDPs. A report on capacity building all Provinces on Community
roles. Mobilisation and Empowerment Framework was produced. The
• Two (2) DSD Provincial Coordinators meeting were held to intervention has improved the skills level of the CDPs and is in
facilitate implementation of the Social Sector Plan. support of government priority contributing towards consolidating
the social wage through reliable and quality basic services.