Page 75 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
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PERFORMANCE BY PROGRAMME                                                PART B: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

        NPO Amendment Bill                                    Additionally, the Department conducted the information sharing
        During this period, the Department continued with the process of   sessions on NPO compliance and governance, in August 2021, in
        amending the NPO Amendment Bill. As such, the Bill was gazetted   Gauteng whereby a total number of one hundred and four (104)
        for public comments. However, the sector requested extension for   NPOs participated. Similarly, a further session was held in Western
        submission of public comments and this resulted gazetting of the   Cape, in August 2021 and a total number of twenty-four (24) NPOs
        Bill for second round of public comments. Further delays were   participated.
        caused  by postponements of  the Cabinet  Committee which  was
        scheduled for 02 June 2022.                           Development of NPO Mentoring Model
                                                              During the reporting period consultation sessions to popularise
        Draft NPO Policy Framework                            the  developed  Draft  NPO  Mentoring  Model  were  conducted
        The Department is in process of consulting on the Draft NPO   and the inputs from stakeholders were gathered from both DSD
        Policy Framework, which outline the challenges faced by the sector   officials and NPOs in six (6) provinces (which ones). The outcome
        and to ensure greater accountability from the sector. During the   of the session was positive as the Model was well received by
        2021/22 financial year, the Policy Framework was consulted with   the Sector, considering the anticipated impact it will have on the
        the following stakeholders: all provinces, South African Revenue   sector especially, the small emerging NPOs.  The NPO sessions
        Services (SARS), National Development Agency (NDA), Companies   were conducted in consultation with FIC to alert NPOs about
        and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC).  All stakeholders’   vulnerabilities  of  NPOs  in  money  laundering  and  terrorism
        inputs were incorporated in the Draft Policy Framework.  financing. The information was then consolidated into provincial
                                                              reports. As such, total of two hundred and ninety-five (295) NPOs
        NPO Management and Institutional Support              and two hundred and thirty-five (238) officials were consulted.
        The Department continues to provide workshops to registered
        Non-Profit Organisations in order to ensure that they maintain a  Know Your NPO Status Campaign
        high level of governance and abide by the NPO legislation. During   The Department implemented an NPO Service Delivery Blitz within
        the  2021/22  financial  year,  Department  conducted  information   the Know Your Non-Profit Organisation (KYNS) Campaign as part
        sessions whose focus was to create awareness on compliance   of the Social Development Month. The Service Blitz was at aimed
        requirements  with  NPO Act  by  the  religious  sector  as  it  feature   addressing backlog on delivery of NPO service to communities
        amongst the highest non-compliant sector in the NPO Register.   which were suspended due to COVID-19 regulations.   The Blitz
                                                              focused  on  printing  and  delivering  NPO  certificates,  compliance
        The intervention was undertaken at Amajuba District in KwaZulu-  letters ad processing of reports. A total of thirteen (13) NPO Service
        Natal province as part of implementation of District Development   Delivery Blitz were conducted in seven (7) provinces, with the
        Model (DDM) championed by the Deputy Minister. A total number of   exception of Eastern Cape and Free State. Consequently, due to the
        364 participants representing different Faith Based Organisations   high demand for NPO services, a total of fourteen (14) outreach
        registered as NPOs participated in the compliance drive which   programmes were further conducted in different municipalities.
        commenced from the 07 May to 13th June 2021. The sessions had   Furthermore, the Department conducted consultation sessions on
        a  positive  outcome  as  the  Department  understood  challenges   the Mentorship Model in Western Cape, Mpumalanga and Gauteng
        faced by the sector who in turn gained insight on the importance   where inputs were gathered and provincial reports developed.
        of adhering to their legal obligations as outlined in the NPO   The process towards development of the Codes of Good Practice
        legislation.                                          for Donors and Funders commenced in the fourth quarter of the
                                                              2021/22  financial  year. The  project  will  be  finalized  in  the  next
        During  the period  under  review, workshops  to  empower NPOs   financial year.
        on how to promote good governance within organisations and
        the importance of compliance with NPO legislation including its   Furthermore, in February 2022 the Department hosted a hybrid
        processes, were also conducted in North West, Limpopo, and the   NPO Webinar. The Webinar was attended by over two hundred (200)
        Western Cape. A total of two hundred and two (202) participants   people  through  various  social  media  platforms  such  as  Twitter,
        representing NPOs attended                            Facebook, and YouTube. The purpose of the webinar was to raise
                                                              awareness  on  the  compliance  to  the  requirements  of  Non-profit
        Furthermore, a session was convened in May 2021 for the National   Organisations Act.
        Body Roman Catholic South  Africa.  The session was attended
        by members representing forty-four (44) branches throughout  Risk Assessment Framework
        the country.  The decision from the national body was that all   During  the  reporting  period,  the  Department  finalised  the
        its branches had to understand the NPO  Act, more importantly   development of the Risk  Assessment Framework as per the
        registration requirements, compliance thereof, tax compliance and   recommendation  of  Financial  Action  Task Force  (FATF) in  the
        other issues related to functioning of NPOs.          latest Mutual Evaluation Report.  The framework will serve as
                                                              a  mechanism  to  flag  and  detect  NPOs  who  are  alleged  to  be
        This was to ensure that by the time the organisation registers its   committing fraud, money laundering and terrorist financing. A pilot
        branches they have insight on the implications for registration   project of the Risk Assessment Framework has been concluded and
        as well.  Whilst the Department shared the NPO  Act, partners   the Risk Assessment Framework has proven to be effective to flag
        form  SARS  who  shared  benefits  for  registering  with  SARS  and   and detect NPOs who are alleged to be committing fraud, money
        implications thereof and Financial Intelligent Centre (FIC) also   laundering and terrorist financing.
        created awareness on NPO vulnerability in money laundering and
        terrorist financing as well as how NPO can protect themselves from
        such criminal activities.

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