Page 77 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 77

PERFORMANCE BY PROGRAMME                                                                                                     PART B: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

        Social Policy
         Outcome               Reduced levels poverty, inequality, vulnerable and social ills
         Output                Output                Actual Achievement   Actual Achievement   Annual Target 2021/22  Actual Output 2021/22   Reasons for Deviation
                               Indicator             2019/20             2020/21                                                             from 2021/22 target
         Evidence-based advisory   Number of Research and   N/A          Four (4) research and   Develop and disseminate   Four (4) research and   No deviation
         on social policy      Policy Briefs developed                   policy briefs developed   four  (4) research and   policy briefs were developed
                                                                         and disseminated      policy briefs         and disseminated

        Special Projects and Innovation
         Outcome               Reduced levels poverty, inequality, vulnerable and social ills
         Output                Output Indicator      Actual Achievement    Actual Achievement    Annual Target 2021/22  Actual Output 2021/22   Reasons for Deviation from
                                                     2019/20               2020/21                                                           2021/22 target
         EPWP work opportunities   Number of EPWP work   As a contribution to the   A total of 39 437 EPWP   Create 175 253 EPWP work  A total of 236 875 Work   The target for the EPWP
         created through Social   opportunities created   implementation of the   Work Opportunities were   opportunities through   Opportunities were creat-  Social Sector was exceed-
         Sector Programmes     thorough Social Sector   EPWP Social Sector Phase  created through DSD Pro-  Social Sector EPWP Pro-  ed through Social Sector   ed because of the Incen-
                               Programmes            4 Plan, the Provincial   grammes            grammes               EPWP Programmes       tive Grant that progammes
                                                     Business Plans from five                                                                have received directly
                                                     provinces, namely, LP,                                                                  because of good perfor-
                                                     NW, WC, EC, and FS, were                                                                mance and the stimulus
                                                     finalised.                                                                              package from COVID-19
                                                                                                                                             fund which was given from
                                                                                                                                             the National Treasury.

        Community Mobilisation and Empowerment
         Outcome               Reduced levels poverty, inequality, vulnerable and social ills
         Output                Output Indicator      Actual Achievement    Actual Achievement    Annual Target 2021/22  Actual Output 2021/22   Reasons for Deviation from
                                                     2019/20               2020/21                                                           2021/22 target
         Community Mobilisation   Number of provincial   Facilitated the   Community             Capacity building of   Capacity building of nine   No deviation
         and Empowerment       workshops on Community  development of      Mobilisation and      nine provinces on the   provinces on Community
         Framework             Mobilisation and      Community Mobilisation                      Community Mobilisation   Mobilisation and
                               Empowerment           and Empowerment       Empowerment           and Empowerment       Empowerment Framework
                               Framework             Framework through     Framework has been    Framework             has been conducted
                                                     provincial workshops  finalised
                                                     with Community
                                                     Practitioners in all

                                                                                                                    DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2021/22  77
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