Page 80 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 80

PART B: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION                                                                                                 PERFORMANCE BY PROGRAMME

        Non-Profit Organisations (Continued )
         Outcome               Reduced levels poverty, inequality, vulnerable and social ills
         Output                Output                Actual Achievement 2019/20  Actual Achievement   Annual               Actual Output 2021/22   Reasons for Deviation from
                               Indicator                                       2020/21               Target 2021/22                              2021/22 target
         DSD Sector Funding Policy DSD Sector Funding Policy  As part of facilitating the   Three provinces namely,  Capacitate provinces on   Provinces were capacitated  No deviation
                               Implemented           implementation of DSD Sector   Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-  the Implementation of   on DSD Sector Funding
                                                     Funding Policy the following  Natal, and North West,  DSD Sector Funding Policy Policy.
                                                     were achieved: The DSD Sector   implemented the Sector
                                                     Funding Policy was presented
                                                     at various forums. Service Level   Funding Policy
                                                     Agreement (SLAs) templates for
                                                     were reviewed for alignment
                                                     with the revised Policy. Protocol
                                                     on prioritization and list of
                                                     names was developed
         NPO Sector Payment    NPO Sector payment    N/A                       The NPO online system   Develop NPO Sector   The base NPO payment   No deviation
         system                System implemented                              was enhanced. The NPO   payment system      system with the first set
                                                                               System implementation                       of modules developed and
                                                                               report for the                              tested.
                                                                               enhancement was
         Strategies to overcome under performance
         The NPO Bill was gazetted for further public comments during 2021/2022 financial year. It is envisaged to be submitted to Cabinet in the 2022/2023 financial year

        Poverty Alleviation, Sustainable Livelihood and Food Security
         Outcome               Reduced levels poverty, inequality, vulnerable and social ills
         Output                Output                Actual Achievement    Actual Achievement    Annual                Actual Output 2021/22    Reasons for Deviation from
                               Indicator             2019/20               2020/21               Target 2021/22                                 2021/22 target
         National Food and     National Food and     The implementation of the  N/A              Develop a report on the   A report on the Implementation  No deviation
         Nutrition Security Plan  Nutrition Security Plan   national food and nutrition          Implementation of the   of the DSD food and nutrition
                               implemented           security plan has been                      DSD food and nutrition   security plan has been
                                                     facilitated in all provinces                security plan         developed.
         Programme to link social   Programme to link social   N/A         Framework on Programme  Finalise the framework for  The Framework for a   No deviation
         protection beneficiaries   protection beneficiaries               to Link Social Protection   a Programme to link Social  Programme to Link Social
         to sustainable livelihood   to sustainable                        Beneficiaries to      Protection Beneficiaries to  Protection Beneficiaries to
         opportunities         livelihood opportunities                    Sustainable Livelihood   sustainable livelihoods  Sustainable Livelihoods is
                               implemented                                 Opportunities Developed                     finalised.
                                                                           and ready for external
         Reviewed Sustainable   Reviewed Sustainable   N/A                 New indicator         Review the Sustainable   The reviewed second version   No deviation
         Livelihood Toolkit for CDPs Livelihood Toolkit for CDPs                                 Livelihood Toolkit for CDPs of the Sustainable Livelihood
                               implemented                                                                             Toolkit for CDPs is completed.

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