Page 83 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 83
The Social Development Sector performance indicators were not indicators as part of the quarterly performance reporting on the
customised for the 2021/22 financial year. The reason for not being Electronic Quarterly Performance Reporting System (EQPRs). The
customised was that the sector could not reach agreement with all national Department of Social Development analyses data and
the provincial departments on a standardised set of indicators to produce quarterly reports and an annual report on provincial
be included as customised indicators. performance, acknowledging the gaps in the data that is available.
The Department is addressing the issue of non-customisation in
However, despite the non-customised status of the sector, most the sector for future reporting periods.
of the provincial departments report on a standardised set of
Management of Covid-19 pandemic adjusted
risk levels
With regards to the management of the COVID-19 adjusted risk • The procurement of sixty thousand (60 000) disposable masks
levels, the Department had to focus both internally and externally for all staff and visitors in the HSRC, Harlequins and GBVCC
as a portfolio. The Human Capital Management unit had to advise offices.
the Department on its obligations and implementation of various • The procurement of the decontamination and sanitisation
measures linked to the different adjusted levels during the reporting services for the HSRC, Harlequins and GBVC buildings on
period. The Department has complied with all the adjusted level monthly basis as a Covid-19 prevention measures. The offices
requirements such as social distancing, sanitisation and screening. will continue to be sanitised monthly or as and when required.
• Procurement of two hundred (200) buckets of sanitiser wipes
The Department ensured that service delivery was not for all board rooms and bathrooms for the offices of the HSRC
compromised whilst implementing the prescribed remote working Building, Harlequins Office Park and Gender Based Violence
system. Officials were regularly reminded to take note of all the Command Centre (GBVC).
Department’s protocols that were developed and those that were • The allocation of the First Aid Kits to the Administrative
issued by the Department of Public Service and Administration. Assistant of Deputy Directors-General or Chief Directors per
wing per floor to be administered by the nurses as and when
Procurement of Personal Protective Equipment the need arises.
• The procurement of six thousand (6 000) litres of 70% alcohol-
The following Personal Protective Equipment was procured as part based hand sanitiser the HSRC, Harlequins and GBVC buildings.
of internal interventions in response to Covid-19 pandemic: • The approval for the appointment of a professional
• Procurement of sixty (60) Covid-19 freestanding perspex desk Occupational Health and Safety Practitioner in the financial
screens for protection of officials that need social distancing. year 2022/23, with effect from date of assumption of duty for
These are used by staff who have direct contact with other a fixed term period of six (6) months. It is important to appoint
officials and the public. The Covid-19 desk screens prevent the an OHS Practitioner to assist and ensure that all safety plans
spread of the Covid-19 virus and protect officials from direct and programmes developed by the Department are effectively
contact with others. and efficiently implemented in line with the set regulations.
• The procurement of a total of five hundred (500) one-litre hand • Departmental COVID-19 Decontamination Protocol: Once
plastic sanitiser spray bottles for each office in the Department a positive case was reported, the decontamination and
(Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), Harlequins Office sanitisation of the affected floor, common areas, and or building,
Park and the Gender-Based Violence Command Centre (GBVCC) was done as far as possible on the day the positive case or
buildings). suspected case of COVID-19 is reported. This at times required
• The procurement of light commercial disinfectant fogger refusing officials’ entry into the building or early closure of the
machine and disinfectant for the decontamination the 45 GG floor and or building depending on the time the information
vehicles on a regular basis. At a minimum, it was required to has come to the attention of Management. As a preventative
clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces in the vehicle measure, the floor or building would only be reopened on the
at the beginning and end of each utilisation of the vehicle and following day for work to commence. In this regard, staff were
between transporting passengers. be informed accordingly.