Page 86 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 86


         Programme   Intervention                 Geographic location  No. of beneficiaries   Disaggregation   Total budget   Budget   Contribution to   Immediate outcomes
                                                  (Province/ District/  (where possible)  of Beneficiaries   allocation per   spent per   the Outputs in
                                                  local municipality)                   (where possible)  intervention   intervention  the APP (where
                                                  (where possible)                                       (R’000)                  applicable)
         Programme  The research project on Youth   National sample   Sample from the youth.  Youths disaggre-  R1 472 553.77  None  Rapid assess-  Reduced levels of pov-
         5          perception survey on socio-econom-  drawn from DSD                  gated by gender,                          ment studies of  erty, inequality, vulnera-
                    ic, health, & gender on Impact of   database of youth               youths with                               the socio eco-  bility and social ills.
                    COVID19                       participants for                      disabilities, persons                     nomic  impacts
                                                  different DSD pro-                    requiring special                         of COVID-19
                                                  grammes.                              health services,                          on the Social
                                                                                        migrants including                        sector
                                                                                        and refugees or
                                                                                        any other relevant
                    Youth participating in the sexual   It is countrywide   None        Cannot disaggre-  R325 545    R325 545    None          Reduced levels of pov-
                    and reproductive health and rights   and not limited to             gate as it is online                                    erty, inequality, vulnera-
                    online advocacy campaign      any specific prov-                    and we cannot say                                       bility and social ills
                                                  ince.                                 who are women/
                                                                                        men/people with
                                                                                        disability, etc.
                    The research project on Youth   National sample   Sample from the youth.  Youths disaggre-  R1 472 553.77  None  Rapid assess-  Reduced levels of pov-
                    perception survey on Socio-econom-  drawn from DSD                  gated by gender,                          ment studies of  erty, inequality, vulnera-
                    ic, health, & gender on Impact of   database of youth               youths with                               the socio eco-  bility and social ills.
                    COVID-19                      participants for                      disabilities, persons                     nomic impacts
                                                  different DSD pro-                    requiring special                         of COVID-19
                                                  grammes.                              health services,                          on the Social
                                                                                        migrants including                        sector
                                                                                        and refugees or
                                                                                        any other relevant
                    Understanding the demographic,   Secondary data  None               None             R498 018.56  R200 000.00  Rapid assess-  Reduced levels of pov-
                    health, psycho-social and economic                                                                            ment studies of  erty, inequality, vulnera-
                    implications of COVID-19 on older                                                                             the socio eco-  bility, and social ills.
                    persons in South Africa                                                                                       nomic impacts
                                                                                                                                  of COVID-19
                                                                                                                                  on the social

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