Page 89 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 89
Transfer payments to all organisations other than public entities
The table below reflects the transfer payments made for the period 01 April 2021 to 31 March 2022
Name of transferee Type of organisation Purpose for which the funds were used Did the dept. comply with s Amount transferred Amount Reasons for the funds unspent by
38 (1) (j) of the PFMA (R’000) spent by the the entity
South African Drug NPO For the Management and Maintenance Yes 1 841 1 931 N/A
and Anxiety Group of the Substance Abuse free telephonic
number and provide assistance to service
South African Council Non-profit Monitoring of substance abuse treatment Yes 1 870 1 751 The amount spent includes
on Alcoholism and Organisation services. expenditure for the 2020/21
Drug Dependence activities, which were implemented
up to September 2021. The
remaining amount for the 2021/22
funding year is expected to be
utilised until July 2022.
National Shelter Non-profit For the provision of an intersectoral Yes 705 682 N/A
Movement Organisation helpline in response to violence against
victims of crime.
Lifeline South Africa Non-profit To provide an intersectoral helpline in Yes 2 122 1 677 The amount spent includes
Organisation response to violence against victims of expenditure for the 2020/21
crime. activities, which were implemented
up to August 2021. The remaining
amount for the 2021/22 funding
year is expected to be utilised until
September 2022.
National Institute Non-profit For the provision of early trauma Yes 1 337 1 781 N/A
Community Organisation support following incidences of violence,
Development and particularly against women and children.
Autism South Africa Non-profit Provision of capacity, empowerment and Yes 1 430 901 The amount spent includes
Organisation service delivery to affiliated organisations expenditure for the 2020/21
and beneficiaries, to facilitate research and activities, which were implemented
development of best practice models to up to March 2022. The remaining
inform Services to Persons with Disabilities amount for the 2021/22 funding
and to facilitate and coordinate advocacy year is expected to be utilised until
and awareness programmes on the rights January 2023.
of persons with disabilities.
DeafBlind South Non-profit Provision of capacity, empowerment and Yes 1 539 714 The amount spent includes
Africa Organisation service delivery to affiliated organisations expenditure for the 2020/21
and beneficiaries. activities. Implementation is
expected until April 2022. The
remaining amount for the 2021/22
funding year is expected to be
utilised until March 2023.