Page 87 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 87
Transfer payments to public entities
Name of the Public Entity South African Social Security Agency (SASSA)
Key outputs of the public entity Administration, management and payment of Social Assistance Grants.
Amount transferred to the public entity 7 963 901
Amount spent by the public entity R’000 7 321 561
Achievements of the public entity During the financial year under review, SASSA managed to increase the number of social grants
in payment including grant in aid from 18 440 572 at the end of March 2021 to 18 677 339
at the end of March 2022 at a cost of R193 371 billion. This represents an overall increase of
approximately 1.3%.
The breakdown per grant type is presented in the table below:
Grant Type Total as at 31 March 2021
OAG 3 774 604
WVG 25
GIA 283 771
DG 1 004 798
FCG 294 031
CDG 153 768
CSG 13 166 342
Total 18 677 339
Between the periods, 01 April 2021 and 31 March 2022, SASSA processed 1 704 988 social grant
applications. Of these applications 98.09% (1 672 391 of 1 704 988) were processed within
ten (10) days.
A total of 1 583 498 social grant applications were approved representing an over-achievement
against a target of 1 200 000 approved applications.
In the period under review, SASSA continued to process applications for the COVID-19 special
relief grant (R350) for the periods April 2021, August 2021 till the end of March 2022 as per the
President’s pronouncement on the extension of the grant.
126 685 470 cumulative applications were received and 124 204 429 were processed, inclusive
of Asylum seekers and Special permit holders. This represents 98.04% of applications processed.
All COVID-19 special relief grant (R350) applications received by SASSA on a monthly basis
including existing ones were considered as new and subjected to a verification process. This
resulted to 124 204 429 cumulative applications processed.
An average of 10.5 million COVID-19 special relief grant (R350) applications were approved
In the same reporting period, SASSA continued with the normal Social Relief of Distress (SRD)
in which 167 849 SRD applications were awarded at a cost of R192 million. The awards were
issued to individuals and households who were affected by disastrous situations, these awards
were in different forms ranging from cash, vouchers, school uniform and disasters.
Towards closing the exclusion gap for the children below the age of 1. By end of March 2022,
a total of 544 238 children below the age of 1 were in receipt of the children’s grants against a
mid-year population of 1 175 632. This represents a 46.29% of the population group.