Page 92 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 92

PART B: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION                                                                                                          TRANSFER PAYMENTS

        The table below reflects the transfer payments made to International Organisations for the period 01 April 2021 to 31 March 2022

         Name of transferee        Type of organisation     Purpose for which the funds   Amount budgeted for   Amount transferred       Reasons why funds were not
                                                            were to be used           (R’000)                   (R’000)                  transferred
         International Social Security   International organization  Affiliate membership fees  1 890           1 300                    Savings related to foreign
         Association                                                                                                                     currency translation.
         International Federation for   International organization  Annual contribution  25                     15                       Savings related to foreign
         the Aged                                                                                                                        currency translation.
         International Social Services  International organization  Annual contribution to the ISS   410        312                      Savings related to foreign
                                                            Resource Center and annual                                                   currency translation.
                                                            membership fees to the ISS in
                                                            Geneva, Switzerland.
         Walvisbay                 International organization  Subsidise the social work post   430             0                        The transfer payment has been
                                                            of the Kerklike Maatskaplike                                                 put on hold pending discus-
                                                            Raad                                                                         sions between the Department,
                                                            organisation and the residence                                               Western Cape Department of
                                                            of South African Citizens in the                                             Social Development and the
                                                            House of Palms Old Age Home                                                  Government of Namibia.
                                                            in Walvis Bay.
         Partners in Population and   International organization  The South African Government  1 055           860                      Savings related to foreign
         Development                                        is affiliated to the Partners in                                             currency translation.
                                                            Population and Development
                                                            through the national Depart-
                                                            ment of
                                                            Social Development.
         International Organisations of   International organization  Membership fees.  108                     94                       Foreign currency translation
         Pension Supervisors
         UNFPA                     International organization  Membership fees.       634                       634                      N/A
         United Nations International   International organization  Membership fees.  25                        25                       N/A
         Drug Control Programme

   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97