Page 91 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 91
The table below reflects the transfer payments made for the period 01 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 (Continued)
Name of transferee Type of organisation Purpose for which the funds were used Did the dept. comply with s Amount transferred Amount Reasons for the funds unspent by
38 (1) (j) of the PFMA (R’000) spent by the the entity
South African Older Non-Profit The promotion and protection of the rights, Yes 1 482 1 440 Agreed activities for the 2021/22
Persons Forum Organisation safety and wellbeing of older persons. financial year are expected to be
finalise by August 2022.
National Institute Non-Profit For the provision of comprehensive Yes 1 735 730 Agreed activities are expected to be
Community Development Organisation services to older persons suffering from finalised by 30 November 2022.
and Management Alzheimers’ and related illnesses, and
mentoring of upcoming organisations
rendering services to older persons.
Families and Marriage Non-Profit The strengthening, supporting and Yes 1 146 884 Agreed activities are expected to be
Society South Africa Organisation preserving of families through transformed finalised by 30 September 2022.
and sustainable services and programmes.
Suid Afrikaanse Vroue Non-Profit The strengthening, supporting and Yes 674 774 Expenditure includes expenditure
Federasie Organisation preserving of families through transformed from funds rolled over from the
and sustainable services and programmes. 2020/21 financial year.
CDDC Trust Non-Profit The provision of prevention and early Yes 1 380 676 Agreed activities are expected to be
Organisation intervention services to orphans and finalised by 30 September 2022.
vulnerable children.
Suid Afrikaanse Vroue Non-Profit For the provision of child protection Yes 838 1 092 Expenditure includes expenditure
Federasie Organisation services. from funds rolled over from the
2020/21 financial year.
Child Welfare South Africa Non-Profit For the provision of child protection Yes 678 185 Agreed activities are expected
Organisation services. to be finalised by 30 June 2022.
Implementation timelines are in the
process of being extended.
Childline South Africa Non-Profit For the provision of child protection Yes 722 1 016 Expenditure includes expenditure
Organisation services. from funds rolled over from the
2020/21 financial year.
RATA Non-Profit The provision of prevention and early Yes 723 140 Agreed activities are expected to be
Organisation intervention services to orphans and finalised by 31 January 2023.
vulnerable children.
Khulisa Social Solutions Non-Profit For implementation of comprehensive Yes 801 0 Progress report outstanding.
Organisation integrated social crime prevention
programmes and diversion services
Funded non-profit organisations are monitored through quarterly performance and financial reports as well as submission of audited annual financial statements. The expenditure reported above is
based on the consolidated progress reports for the year ended 31 March 2022. The expenditure is still subject to review.