Page 81 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 81

PERFORMANCE BY PROGRAMME                                                                                                     PART B: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

        Population and Development
         Outcome                Reduced levels poverty, inequality, vulnerable and social ills
         Output                 Output                Actual Achieve-  Actual Achieve- Annual           Actual Output 2021/22                    Reasons for Deviation from
                                Indicator             ment 2019/20   ment 2020/21   Target 2021/22                                               2021/22 target
         Monitoring report on the   Population Policy    N/A         N/A          Monitor the implemen-  The implementation of the Population Policy was   No deviation
         implementation         implemented                                       tation of the Population   monitored through producing three reports on;
         of the Population                                                        Policy                i)  Impact of the pandemic on the well-beWing of
         Policy                                                                                            youth,
                                                                                                        ii)  Report on the South African commitments to
                                                                                                           Nairobi Summit ICPD+25,
                                                                                                        iii)  Population and Sustainable Development, and a
                                                                                                           concept note for the development ICPD+30 and
                                                                                                           Policy+25 progress review reports
         Outcome                Functional, efficient, and integrated sector
         Framework on           Framework on integration  N/A        New indicator  Capacitate nine (9)   A total of eight (8) provinces were capacitated on   The Free State population
         integration of         of Population Policy into                         provinces on the      the implementation of the integration of Population  unit could not participate
         Population Policy      District Development                              implementation of the   Policy into the District Development Model  in the workshop due to
         in the District        Model implemented                                 integration of Population                                      restructuring process
         Development Model                                                        Policy into the District                                       which was in progress at
                                                                                  Development Model                                              the time of the workshop
         Municipalities trained on   Number of municipalities   N/A  New indicator  Train ninety-two (92)   Sixty-seven (67) municipalities trained on the inte-  Unavailability of
         the integration of Migration,  trained on the Integrating                municipalities on the   gration of migration issues into the IDPs   municipalities for training.
         Sustainable Development   Migration issues into the                      Integrating Migration
         and Human Rights       IDP                                               issues into the IDP

         Strategies to overcome under performance
            •  The training of municipalities on Migration Programme will be included into the skills development programme of the Department of Cooperative Governance to enhance its recognition among
            •  The partnership with SALGA will be strengthened to sensitise municipal decision makers about the importance of the training.
            •  Engagements will be initiated with COGTA provincial skills development facilitators to amplify the recruitment of municipalities.
            •  Updated recruitment plan which will guide the engagements of population units in various platform of engagements will be produced by DSD
            •  The remaining municipalities will be reached in the next financial year.

                                                                                                                    DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2021/22  81
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