Page 79 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 79

PERFORMANCE BY PROGRAMME                                                                                                     PART B: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

        Non-Profit Organisations
         Outcome               Reduced levels poverty, inequality, vulnerable and social ills
         Output                Output                Actual Achievement 2019/20  Actual Achievement   Annual               Actual Output 2021/22   Reasons for Deviation from
                               Indicator                                       2020/21               Target 2021/22                              2021/22 target
         NPO Policy Framework  NPO Policy Framework   N/A                      NPO Policy has been   Consulted draft NPO Policy NPO Policy framework   No deviation
                               approved                                        finalised             Framework             was consulted on in all
         NPO Bill              Amended NPO Bill      N/A                       N/A                   Table the NPO Amendment  The NPO Amendment   There was a delay as
                               approved                                                              Bill to               Bill was not tabled to   a result of request for
                                                                                                     Parliament            Parliament. The NPO   extension for public
                                                                                                                           Amendment Bill was    comments duration by the
                                                                                                                           however gazetted for   NPO Sector.
                                                                                                                           public comments.
         Improved turnaround   % of new applications  A total of 33 065 NPO    A total of 22 685 NPO   Process 98% of      A total of 27 552     No deviation
         time on NPO registration  for NPO registration  applications were received   applications were   applications within two   applications were
                                                     and 32 552 were processed,   received and 13 621   months of receipt  received and 27 127
                               processed within two  of which 32 299 (97.7%) were   were processed. Of those               were processed, of which
                               months                processed within two months  processed, 12 551                        98% (27 089) of received
                                                                               (55%) were processed                        applications were
                                                                               within two months                           processed within two
         Improved NPO compliance % of NPO monitoring  A total of 59 118 NPO reports,   A total of 29 780 NPO  Process 80% of monitoring  A total of 41 147 reports   No deviation
         monitoring            Reports processed within   were processed, and 55 866   reports were received and   reports within two months  were received and 35 627
                               two months of receipt  of which 26 178 (44.3%) were   18 809 were processed. Of   of receipt  were processed, of which
                                                     processed within two months  those processed, 17 950                  33 369 (81%) of received
                                                                               (60.3%) were processed                      reports were processed
                                                                               within two months                           within two months
         NPO Mentorship Model  NPO Mentorship Model  As part of facilitating the   Three provinces, namely;  Develop NPO Mentorship   The NPO Mentorship   No deviation
                               implemented           implementation of DSD-NPO   Eastern Cape, Northern  Model             Model has been developed
                                                     Partnership Model the following
                                                     were achieved:            Cape and Limpopo,
                                                     •The Model was presented at   implemented the
                                                     various forums.           DSD-NPO Partnership
                                                     • Partnership tools and   Model
                                                     templates were developed.
                                                     • Eight (8) provinces were
                                                     capacitated on Partnership
                                                     Model except Western Cape

                                                                                                                    DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2021/22  79
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