Page 42 - OP DSD 2022 FINAL FINAL
P. 42


        Outcome          Functional, efficient and integrated Sector
        Output           Output Indicator  Annual Target      Quarterly Target    Activities             Timeframe     Budget per    Dependencies     Responsibility
                                                                                  7. Request PERSAL report   July      R0.00
                                                                                  on the utilisation of
                                                                                  vacation leave to monitor
                                                                                  the utilisation of ten (10)
                                                                                  days leave.
                                                                                  8. A circular on the plan-  January  R0.00
                                                                                  ning of leave and leave
                                                                                  planner will be issued to
                                                                                  all staff.
                                                                                  9. Circular to staff to re-  January  R0.00
                                                                                  mind them to take leave
                                                                                  of the previous cycle
                                                                                  before 30 June of each
                                                                                  10. Annual auditing of   January to   R270,000.00
                                                                                  leave.                 March
        6.  Administer   % of cases final-  100% cases final-  Ongoing            1.Process notice of exits   Ongoing  R0.00         Exiting staff mem-  Sub directorate:
           staff exits and   ised          ised                                   on receipt.                                        bers             HRM
           exit inter-                                                            2.Proactive communica-  Ongoing      R0.00
           views                                                                  tion with employees and                            Line managers
                                                                                  stakeholders (internal
                                                                                  and external).
                                                                                  3.Ensure completion of   Ongoing     R0.00
                                                                                  exit interview question-
                                                                                  4.Arrange staff exit inter-  Ongoing  R0.00
                                                                                  view meeting.
                                                                                  5.Capture interview re-  Ongoing     R0.00
                                                                                  sults on a spreadsheet.
                                                                                  6.Analyse and prepare   Quarterly    R0.00
                                                                                  staff exit presentation to
                                                                                  EXCO, Branch Heads and
                                                                                  Directorate: OD.
                                                                                  7.Submit EXCO inputs   Quarterly     R0.00
                                                                                  to Directorate: OD to
                                                                                  conduct working environ-
                                                                                  ment assessment.

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