Page 141 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 141

HUMAN RESOURCE OVERSIGHT STATISTICS                                                                                   PART D: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
        Table 3.2.3 Employment and vacancies by critical occupations as on 31 March 2022 (Continued)
                                                                          Number of posts on approved                                   Number of employees additional
         Critical occupation                                                                       Number of posts filled  Vacancy Rate
                                                                                establishment                                               to the establishment
         MATERIAL-RECORDING AND TRANSPORT CLERKS, Permanent                            7                     6                14.3                   0
         MESSENGERS PORTERS AND DELIVERERS, Permanent                                 10                     8                 20                    2
         OTHER ADMINISTRAT & RELATED CLERKS AND ORGANISERS, Permanent                 257                   205               20.2                   26
         OTHER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PERSONNEL., Permanent                            8                     7.               12.5                   0
         OTHER OCCUPATIONS, Permanent                                                  2                     2                 0                     0
         PRINTING AND RELATED MACHINE OPERATORS, Permanent                             1                     0                100                    0
         PROFESSIONAL NURSE, Permanent                                                 2                     2                 0                     2
         PSYCHOLOGISTS AND VOCATIONAL COUNSELLORS, Permanent                           1                     1                 0                     0
         RISK MANAGEMENT AND SECURITY SERVICES, Permanent                             15                    10                33.3                   0
         SECRETARIES & OTHER KEYBOARD OPERATING CLERKS, Permanent                      4                     3                 25                    0
         SECURITY OFFICERS, Permanent                                                  6                     3                 50                    0
         SENIOR MANAGERS, Permanent                                                   139                   87                 37                    10
         SOCIAL SCIENCES RELATED, Permanent                                           54                    41                 24                    0
         SOCIAL WORK AND RELATED PROFESSIONALS, Permanent                             134                   112                16                    1
         STAFF NURSES AND PUPIL NURSES, Permanent                                      1                     1.                0                     1
         Total                                                                        980                   755                23                    81


         •  The CORE classification, as prescribed by the DPSA, should be used for completion of this table.
         •  Critical occupations are defined as occupations or sub-categories within an occupation –
             a. In which there is a scarcity of qualified and experienced persons currently or anticipated in the future, either because such skilled persons are not available or they are available but do not meet
               the applicable employment criteria;
             b. For which persons require advanced knowledge in a specified subject area or science or learning field and such knowledge is acquired by a prolonged course or study and/or specialised instruction;
             c. Where the inherent nature of the occupation requires consistent exercise of discretion and is predominantly intellectual in nature; and
             d. In respect of which a department experiences a high degree of difficulty to recruit or retain the services of employees.

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