Page 139 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 139

HUMAN RESOURCE OVERSIGHT STATISTICS                                                                                   PART D: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
        3.2 Employment and Vacancies

        The tables in this section summarise the position with regard to employment and vacancies.

        The following tables summarise the number of posts on the establishment, the number of employees, the vacancy rate, and whether there are any staff that are additional to the establishment.
        This information is presented in terms of three (3) key variables:
         •  Programme
         •  Salary band
         •  Critical occupations (see definition in notes below).

        The Department had identified critical occupations that need to be monitored. In terms of current regulations, it is possible to create a post on the establishment that can be occupied by more than one
        employee. Therefore, the vacancy rate reflects the percentage of posts that are not filled.

        Table 3.2.1 Employment and vacancies by programme as on 31 March 2022
                                                                  Number of posts on                                                  Number of employees additional to
         Programme                                                                      Number of posts filled     Vacancy Rate
                                                                approved establishment                                                       the establishment
         P1: Administration                                              422                   326                     27                           54
         P3: Social Security Policy & Admininistration                  93                      68                     29                          0
         P4: Welfare Service Policy Development & Impementation         339                    261                     20                          20
         P5: Social Policy & Integrated Service Delivery                126                    100                     24                          7
         Total                                                          980                    755                     23%                         85

        The actual vacancy rate in the Department is 8% based on its costing model. The total number of approved posts is 766, of which there are 706 filled posts. There are unfunded posts on PERSAL which
        creates a skewed vacancy rate of 23%.
        These posts are on PERSAL to inform the prioritisation process the Department follows when filling critical posts. It would be easier to fill posts when they are prioritised rather than recreating them if

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