Page 134 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 134


        The strategy will be able to address the challenge of unemployment   During the period under review, the Department had a total ninety-
        which is adversely affecting the country. Furthermore, the   nine (99) positive COVID-19 cases that were reported. Unfortunately,
        employment of social service professionals will be addressing   one (1) official succumbed to the pandemic.
        the social ills ranging from gender-based violence, poverty, child-
        headed households, rape and bullying of pupil in schools, etc.  c) Reducing the vacancy rate to 8%
                                                              The Department set a target of reviewing its vacancy rate from the
        The Department of Social Development followed a comprehensive   existing 10% to 8%, appreciating the challenges that COVID-19
        approach by identifying the key and critical government   brought. The target of 8% was met notwithstanding all the demand
        departments with common interest towards addressing the   to focus on areas affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The filling of
        social ills affecting the country. It was followed by developing the   posts in the Department was largely influenced by the process the
        conceptual documents to guide the process, which are; the concept   Department engaged on to review its strategy informed by various
        paper, process framework, stakeholder mapping and terms of   roundtable discussions, current policy and research. Secondly, the
        reference. The establishment of the Inter-sectoral Forum of Sector   Department  had  to  fill  critical  posts  due  to  the  reduction  in  its
        Departments was finalised comprising the following government   compensation budget. In so doing had to continuously embark on
        departments, agencies and entities:                   a prioritisation process to ensure that the compensation budget
         •  Department of Social Development.                 ceiling is adhered to and that there was no overspending.
         •  Department of Correctional Services.
         •  Department of Basic Education.                    A key milestone during the reporting period was the employment
         •  Department of Defence.                            of 3 348 Social Workers on contract by the provincial departments
         •  South African Police Services.                    to continue providing psycho-social support to those affected
         •  Department of Justice and Constitutional Development.  and infected by COVID-19. The Department requested additional
         •  Department of Higher Education and Training.      funding for the employment of two thousand (2000) social workers
         •  National Development Agency.                      for ten (10) months. However, the funding was only made available
         •  South African State Security Agency.              in October 2021. This meant that the appointment could only be
         •  South African Council for Social Service Professionals.  made for a period of four (4) months, whilst required to spend an
         •  Department of Health.                             allocation for ten (10) months.
         •  Department of Home Affairs.
         •  Department of Corporative Governance and Traditional Affairs.  The appointment of the 3 348 social workers within a month goes
                                                              to show the agility with which the Sector can respond under the
        A draft Sector  Strategy  for Employment of  Social  Service   leadership of the national Department.
        Professionals has been developed and has been approved by the
        Heads of Social Development (HSDS) and supported by MINMEC,   d) Human Resource Development and Bursaries Programme
        the Forum of Minister and MEC’s of Social Development.  The purpose of Human Resource Development is to bring about
                                                              changes that are necessary to enhance the organisation through
        The  draft  strategy  is  a  building  block  towards  addressing  the   organisational and performance improvements.
        unemployment crisis that is adversely affecting the country. The
        process of finalising the strategy is underway with a parallel process   In short, the function of Human Resource Development is to make
        of approaching National Treasury for additional funding to support   a difference in the way the organisation and its employees operate.
        Sector Departments with additional funding for the employment of   In this regard the COVID 19 pandemic introduced a new operating
        Social Service Professionals.                         model in the delivery of training interventions, moving away from
                                                              the traditional face-to-face model to a more technologically driven
        b) Management of COVID-19 in the workplace            approach.
        With the continued presence of the COVID-19 pandemic and adjusted
        lockdown levels, the Department continued to implement the   The introduction of  virtual training programmes and e-learning
        adopted Risk Adjusted Approach in the management of COVID-19   programmes  also  required  a  new  set  of  skills  to  be  developed
        in the workplace. The Department continued to comply with all the   especially in the area of Computer Literacy and IT-related
        rules, regulations, directives and circulars in the management of   applications.
        the pandemic and also used the opportunity to refine some of its
        protocols, practices and development of staff.        Skills development has to be aimed at making people better at
                                                              the roles and functions  that they perform. The responsibility for
        The  Workplace  and  Wellness  Committee  continued  to  provide   developing the capacity to enhance one’s own job performance
        support and guidance to the Department, managers and units on   should eventually be an individual responsibility. The intent is to
        the management of COVID-19.                           move more and more towards a system where people can grow
                                                              themselves so that their performance can be enhanced on an
        The Department appointed three (3) nursing staff on contract to   ongoing basis.
        support in screening, ensuring social distancing, contact tracing
        and support to those affected and infected by the virus.  In addition, skills development becomes an important  vehicle
                                                              through which the Department can transform the less tangible
        The Department reviewed the protocol for the management of   aspects  of  the  public  servants;  attitudes,  commitment  and  the
        COVID-19 in line with the adjusted levels and trajectory of the virus   manner in which public servant’s engage with our people.
        in the workplace and issued regular communication to staff.

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