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        Activities of the Audit Committee

        During the period under review, the following activities were   The Committee is concerned about the recent regression in the
        undertaken which demonstrate the commitment of the  Audit   current  financial year  with  regard  to  leadership,  governance  and
        Committee in achieving its mandate:                   the culture of accountability relating to the oversight role played
         •  Reviewed quarterly management reports;            by DSD over the department entities, entity oversight remains
         •  Considered the effectiveness of the risk management process;  an area of concern for the Audit Committee and human resource
         •  Considered  the  Internal  Audit  plans  and  reports  and  made   management and record keeping.
            recommendations as appropriate;
         •  Monitored progress with the Internal  Audit coverage plans   Although the process of appointing senior management at critical
            as well as management’s follow-up on matters requiring   post has commenced, The Committee would also like to highlight
            attention;                                        to the Executive Authority the need to prioritise filling of leadership
         •  Monitored compliance with the department’s policies and   positions in order to stabilise the leadership and governance. The
            applicable legislation;                           posts  of  Accounting  Officer  and  two  Deputy  Director-Generals
         •  Prioritising oversight on forensic investigations reports issued   including the CFO’s post have been vacant throughout the period
            into allegations of misappropriations of funds especially on   under reviewed with acting incumbents. Filing these three critical
            Social Relief of Distress (SRD) Grants on South African Social   posts will go a long way in strengthening leadership and thus
            Security Agency (SASSA).                          enhance the department opportunity on delivering on its mandate,
         •  Conducted separate informal meetings with management,   goals and objectives.
            internal and external audit;
         •  Reviewed External  Audit plans, reports and management’s  Internal Audit
            follow-up of matters requiring attention
         •  Provided guidance to the department on ICT governance issues   The Audit Committee reviewed and approved the Internal Audit
            and alignment to applicable legislations and ICT governance   Unit’s risk-based three-year rolling and operational plans for
            Frameworks.                                       2021/22. Internal Audit was guided by the consolidated risk profile
                                                              of the department, critical audit areas and management’s inputs in
                                                              the formulation of its three-year strategic and annual plans. The
        Effectiveness of  Internal Controls                   Audit Committee also monitored performance of the Internal Audit
                                                              Unit against its approved operational plan on a quarterly basis.
        The  Accounting  Officer  and  Management  are  responsible  for
        designing and implementing an effective system of internal   We  are  satisfied  that  the  Internal  Audit  Unit  is  operating
        controls to mitigate risks and control deficiencies.   effectively and that it has reviewed key controls associated with
                                                              the risks pertinent to the strategic and operational objectives of
        A risk management process is in place in the department. A Risk   the department and has provided appropriate recommendations
        Management and Ethics Committee (RMEC)  is established within   to improve the internal control system.  The work performed by
        the department which comprises of the Head of Branches and four   Internal  Audit  has  enabled  the  Committee  to  fulfil  its  duties
        (4) independent external members. This committee is chaired by   around  compliance,  financial  reporting,  governance,  performance
        independent Chairperson and is responsible for monitoring  the     information management and information technology.
        departmental risks on a regular basis and deals with ethics related
        matters.                                              The Internal  Audit Unit carried out audit assignments in
                                                              terms of the approved plan and was monitored by the  Audit
        Internal Control is a cost-effective process effected by the executive   Committee as required by the PFMA and Treasury Regulations. The
        management of the department, designed to provide reasonable   recommendations of the Audit Committee were considered during
        assurance regarding the achievement of its objectives, effectiveness   the course of the execution of audits.
        and  efficiency  of  operations,  financial  reporting,  compliance  to
        applicable laws and regulations as well as policies and procedures. The Quality of In-Year monitoring and
        Whilst  the  Audit  Committee noted  some  improvements  on the  Quarterly Reports
        implementation  of  controls  during  the  financial year,  there  were
        some areas of concerns noted by the Committee as reported by   The Department has reported monthly and quarterly to the National
        AGSA and Internal Audit in the following areas:       Treasury as required by the PFMA. The Audit Committee reviewed
         •  Slow progress in the implementation of the 2020/21  AGSA   the quarterly reports prepared and issued by the Accounting Officer
            audit findings and in resolving internal audit findings;  of the Department during the year under review, and is satisfied
         •  Undue delays in investigating material irregularities identified   with the content and quality thereof.  There are opportunities for
            /fraud related cases and slow pace in the implementing fraud   improvement in some areas on the quality of both performance
            investigations recommendation; and                information and financial reporting.
         •  Inadequate  consequences  management  for  holding
            transgressors accountable.

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