Page 133 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 133



        The Constitution (Chapter 10 (195(1)(h)) compels the Public Service   Given the fact that human resource management is governed by
        to be governed by democratic  values and principles including   such a large regulatory framework, it is therefore compliance-
        good human resource management practices to maximise human   driven  to  a  large  extent.  However,  the  field  of  human  resources
        potential.  Human Capital Management  in the Public Service   has shifted from a mere compliance and administrative driven to
        is governed by a myriad of Legislation, Regulations, Bargaining   more of a strategic business partner, in terms of understanding the
        Council Resolutions and Directives. Key amongst them are, but not   Department’s core business and advising on HR matters in order to
        limited to the following:                             ensure that the Department’s mandate is met.

         •  Public Service Act;                               With  the  advent  of  COVID19,  Human  Resource  Management
         •  Public Service Regulations;                       practices had to be aligned with the applicable regulations and
         •  Labour Relations Act;                             adapting ways of work to ensure service delivery and maintain
         •  Skills Development Act;                           efficiencies and effectiveness. Some of the work adaptions included
         •  Skills development and levies Act;                virtual meetings, virtual training and development and more use of
         •  Basic Conditions of Employment Act;               information technology tools.
         •  Promotion of Administrative Justice Act;
         •  Promotion of Access to Information Act;
         •  DPSA Directives
         •  PSCBC Resolutions; and
         •  PHSDSBC Resolutions


        2.1: The value of human capital in the Department:
        The primary purpose of any HR unit is to ensure that the   The Department continued to work under the COVID-19 conditions
        organisation has the requisite capacity to deliver on its mandate,   and has adjusted from time-to-time in line with the Disaster
        the environment is conducive for productivity, that systems and   Management Regulations.  The Unit continued to advise the
        processes are in place to achieve the above.          Department  on measures  to  be implemented  to comply with
                                                              the various adjusted levels of COVID-19. The updates were done
        HR as a function is well established in the Department through the   through the monthly management meetings of the Department.
        Chief Directorate: Human Capital Management within the Branch:   Some of the key areas were; advising the Department on remote
        Corporate Support Services and comprise of the following four (4)   working models, management of performance and implementation
        Directorates, focussing on:                           of measures that would ensure a safe work environment.

         •  Human Resource Development and Performance Management;  Key to the management of the COVID-19 in the workplace was
         •  Labour Relations;                                 the roll-out of the vaccination drive for the Social Development
         •  Organisational Design and Human Resource Planning; and  Portfolio. Approximately thirty seven thousand (37 000) employees
         •  Human Resource Management (HR Administration, Recruitment   from the Social Development and NPO sector were vaccinated in a
            and Selection and Employee Health and Wellness)   space of a week.

        The Chief Directorate has a compliment of thirty-nine (39) posts  2.2: HCM priorities for the year under
        responsible for all aspects of Human Capital Management (HCM),  review and the impact of these priorities:
        with thirty-seven (37) of the posts filled and two (2) vacant. All HCM    a)  Develop a draft Sector Strategy for Employment of Social
        Policies have being developed while some are being revised to be   Service Professionals
        in line with current trends, practices and legislative changes. HR   A critical priority during the period under review was the
        processes and systems are well established and are reviewed on   development of the Sector Strategy for the Employment of Social
        an ongoing basis to be in line with best practices. Human Capital   Service Professionals, which in the main seeks to ensure that there
        Management  is  the  heartbeat  of  any  organisation  and  therefore   are adequate Social Service Professionals to address the increasing
        human resource practices must ensure that the human capital   social ills of the country. It further seeks to give effect to amongst
        is optimally utilised, developed and the morale of the officials is   others, the requirements by the National Development Plan Vision
        uplifted through a conducive environment.             2030, and a Cabinet resolution that Social Development is not the
                                                              sole department responsible for the employment of Social Service
        To give effect to the above, the Department ensures that all its HCM   Professionals and that government departments should establish
        policies are regularly reviewed to remove any barriers and keep up   an all-inclusive task team to lead the process of employment of
        with the needs of the employees.                      social service professionals in public service departments.

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