Page 135 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 135
Workplace Skills Plan 2.3: Employee Performance Management:
All employers are required to submit an Annual Work Place Performance Management involves planning, review, evaluating,
Skills Plan (WPSP) to the relevant Sector Education and Training recognising and rewarding of performance. Performance
Authorities. Currently, the Department submits a WPSP to the management within the Department of Social Development is a
Public Service Sector Education and Training Authority (PSETA) and structured process and is conducted within an approved framework
the Health and Welfare Sector Education and Training Authority which includes adherence to legislative requirements such as the
(HWSETA). Public Service Act 1994 (as amended) as well as Part VIII of the
Public Service Regulations 2001 (as amended). The requirement
The PSETA/HWSETA requirements were me; the Workplace Skills of Chapter 4 of the SMS handbook as well as the approved
Plan was implemented, Annual Training Report submitted and the Departmental PMDS Policy is also taken into consideration.
skills levy paid. Through the implementation of the Workplace
Skills Plan and the coordination of various training programmes, Performance Appraisals is conducted on an annual basis and can
the skills of Department’s employees were upgraded which had a be regarded as a larger process of linking individual performance
positive impact on service delivery. COVID-19 also required a new management and development to organisational performance. A
approach in terms of training delivery and a number of training performance assessment tool is used which clearly links to the Key
programmes were offered on virtual platforms. Performance Areas (KPA’s) and indicators as set out in performance
agreements (SMS) and work plans of officials. Mid-term reviews
Bursary scheme are conducted and annual performance moderation committees
In order to enhance the formal qualifications of officials, the convene annually to moderate the performance of all qualifying
Department has successfully implemented a bursary scheme. officials and make recommendation for performance incentives.
• All registration fees and accounts were paid on time.
• Sixty-five (65) officials are currently benefitting from the In order to ensure that all officials’ performance is monitored on an
bursary scheme. ongoing basis the Department has a formal PMDS system in place.
• Despite the challenges experienced due to COVID-19 and the All staff complied with the submission of Performance Agreements
extension of the academic year in some cases, twenty-five (25) (PA) as well as Annual Performance Assessment (APA) reports.
officials managed to complete their studies. Pre-moderation and moderation processes were concluded for
the branches and incentives implemented. (Progression and or
e) Provide labour relations support Performance Bonuses). The Department remained within the 0.5%
The reporting mechanism is integral to the monitoring and allocation for the awarding of performance bonuses.
evaluation process. The primary purpose for reporting is to evaluate
the effectiveness and efficiencies of the employment relations 2.4: Employee Wellness Programmes
strategies employed by the Department. The reporting is done The Department continues to implemente the four (4) pillars of
through the FOSAD Quarterly Reports, which are monitored by the DPSA EHW Strategic Framework, which includes HIV/Aids and
the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA). The TB Management, Wellness Management, Health and productivity
report covers grievances, disciplinary cases and disputes. and Safety, Health, Environment, Risk and Quality (SHERQ)
Management. This is managed by a sub-directorate dedicated for
The purpose is to ensure compliance to time frames as prescribed Health and Wellness. With regards to HIV/Aids, there are regular
in the legislative framework and advance sound labour relations. condom distribution, HIV/Aids awareness creations as well as
The enabling framework is Chapter 10 of the RSA Constitution commemorating international calendar days like Candle Light
which state that public administration must be governed by the Memorial and World Aids Day.
democratic values and principles enshrined in the Constitution,
including the principle that efficient, economic and effective use of With regards to Health and Productivity Management, awareness is
resources must be promoted. created amongst employees by inviting experts in specific fields to
provide information sessions and arranging health risk screenings
The aim is to address grievances in the public service by fulfilling two (2) times per annum. Financial management sessions are
the primary objectives of this procedure, which are, inter alia, to give conducted annually to provide employees with information that
effect to section 196(4) (f) (ii) of the Constitution of the Republic of will assist in managing their finances. Safety Health Environment
South Africa; to promote speedy, impartial and equitable handling Risk and Quality (SHERQ) Management is taken care of through the
of grievances at the lowest possible level. Schedule 8 of the Labour nomination of safety representatives and the Safety Committee,
Relations Act, 1995 requires all employers to adopt disciplinary which meets on a regular basis.
rules which must create certainty and consistency in the application
of discipline. In terms of the last pillar of the strategy, which is Wellness
Management, the two (2) EHW practitioners who are qualified social
The duration for the resolution of grievances is 30 days and 45 workers provide counselling and debriefing sessions to employees
days respectively unless parties agree on an extension. Disciplinary in need. Information sessions are conducted for all employees.
cases should be finalized within 90 days from the date that the Specialised services are rendered through referrals to specialists at
manager becomes aware of the transgression, and grievances/ Department’s expenses in terms of the EHW Policy.
disputes should be declared within 90 days of becoming aware.
The Unit was actively involved with the management of COVID-19
in the workplace, with the professional nurses providing screening
and support to all staff, advising management on the applicable
regulations relating to COVID-19 as well as providing contact
tracing and support to those infected.