Page 86 - OP DSD 2022 FINAL FINAL
P. 86
Outcome Functional, efficient, and integrated sector
Output Output Indicator Annual Target Quarterly Target Activities Timeframe Budget per Dependencies Responsibility
Provide a secre- Arrange meeting. April - March Dir: Internal Control
tariat function to
the Loss Control Prepare cases to be pre-
Committee (LCC) sented to the LCC.
and present all
cases of finan-
cial misconduct. Present cases to the LCC.
Compile minutes.
Prepare submission to DG
for approval.
Implement recommenda-
tion of the LCC.
Provide a secre- Arrange meeting to pres- April-March Dir: Internal Control
tariat function to ent action plant to the
the Audit Steer- Audit Steering Committee.
ing Committee
and present Compile minutes.
progress on the
AIAP Update action plan.
Acts as a custo- Receiving, checking, filing April-March Dir: Internal Control
dian for all fi- and retrieving of docu-
nancial records ments
for the Depart-
Reduced % of irregular, 3% Reduction in irregu- Quarterly report Receive, investigate, and April- March Dir: Internal Control
irregular, fruitless and lar, fruitless and waste- on the reduc- present cases of IF&W
fruitless wasteful expen- ful expenditure tion in irregular, expenditure.
and waste- diture fruitless and
ful (IF&W) wasteful expen- Ensure Policies (SCM, S&T)
expendi- diture are updated and that
ture measures are in place to
reduce IF&W expenditure.