Page 84 - OP DSD 2022 FINAL FINAL
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        Outcome     Functional, efficient, and integrated sector
        Output      Output Indicator  Annual Target       Quarterly Target  Activities            Timeframe        Budget per     Dependencies     Responsibility
                                                          Conduct Infor-  Through information shar-  October - March                               Dir: SCM
                                                          mation sessions   ing session, provide input
                                                          on revised SCM   on revised SCM Policy.
                                                          Provide inputs   Providing notes to the   April - March                                  Dir: SCM
                                                          for Financial   financial statements quar-
                                                          Statements      terly on following areas:

                                                                           • Movable and immov-
                                                                            ables assets
                                                                           • Leases and commit-
                                                                            ments quarterly.
        Contracting   % of pro-     Develop and monitor the  Benchmark with   Identify women-owned
        of wom-     curement to     establishment and util-  other govern-  businesses relevant to the
        en-owned    women-owned     ising of the owned-busi-  ment depart-  Department’s needs
        businesses  businesses      nesses                ments on pro-
                                                          cesses followed   Monitor and evaluate the
                                                          to establish a   progress made in utilizing
                                                          database of     the database of wom-
                                                          women-owned     en-owned businesses
                                                                          Monitor and evaluate the
                                                                          progress made in utilising
                                                                          the database of wom-
                                                                          en-owned businesses
                                                                           INTERNAL CONTROL
        Reliable    Audit opinion on   Obtain an Unqualified   Coordinate   ex-  Communicate with affect-  April - January                         Dir: Internal Control
        Annual      Annual Finan-   Audit opinion         ternal   audits,  ed managers.
        Financial   cial Statements                       conduct    fol-
        Statements   (AFS)                                low-ups, and so-
        (AFS)                                             licit Action Plans
                                                          from the Manag-
                                                          Develop  a  regis-
                                                          ter  to  track  and
                                                          facilitate  the  re-
                                                          quests and audit
                                                          findings  to  en-  Update register to track
                                                          sure  adherence  audit findings
                                                          to turn-around

   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89