Page 104 - OP DSD 2022 FINAL FINAL
P. 104
Activity Key Risk Risk Mitigation
Monitor spending and compliance with financial prescripts on donor Donations received by the Department not accepted Procedure manual on donor funding and monthly emails re-
funding and special allocations accordingly and not disclosed in the financial state- questing all DSD for donor declarations. Circular on implica-
ments and annual reports tions of non-compliance finalised and communicated to all
DSD and implemented
Analyze Social Assistance debt books from SASSA and SIU, and sum- Undetected errors in SASSA and SIU debtors’ informa- Extend contracts of three (3) State Accountants who will per-
marise the balances for inclusion in the Department’s interim and Annu- tion form in year reviews of the debtors in preparation for Annual
al Financial Statements Financial Statements.
Analyse the SASSA grants monthly report; communicate analysis out- Undetected inaccuracies in quarterly financial reports Quarterly financial statements inputs reviewed before con-
come with SASSA and follow up on implementation of corrective mea- received from SASSA solidation to DSD Interim and Annual Financial Statements.
AFS preparation meeting with SASSA to discuss areas of
Developed and SOPs for management of reporting and com-
pliance on the SASSA grant funds.
Extend contracts of three (3) State Accountants who imple-
ment the SOPs on a monthly basis.