Page 47 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 47

PERFORMANCE BY PROGRAMME                                                                                                     PART B: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

        Programme 2:  Social Assistance

        Programme Purpose

        To provide social assistance to eligible beneficiaries in terms of the Social Assistance Act, 2004 (Act No.13 of 2004) and its regulations.

        Social Assistance

        During the reporting period, the Department continued to expand access to social security through availing funds to the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) monthly for the provision of social
        grants to eligible beneficiaries. The Department continued to oversee the management and administration of social grants by SASSA and remained accountable for the R234 billion received for the
        payment of social grants. Additional funding of R26.2 billion was allocated in the 2021/22 Adjusted Estimates of National Expenditure for the payment of SRD R350 grant until 31 March 2022.

        Social Assistance
         Outcome          Reduced levels of poverty, inequality, vulnerability, and social ills
                          Output                Actual Achievement                                 Annual                                    Reasons for Deviation
         Output                                                       Actual Achievement 2020/21                    Actual Output 2021/22
                          Indicator             2019/20                                            Target 2021/22                            from 2021/22 target
         Social grants for   Monthly payment of social  Over R190,289,380,000   A total of R223,436,557,000 was   R195,516,423,000  A total of R222,645,214,000   Additional funding of
         eligible individuals  grant beneficiaries as   was transferred to SASSA   transferred to SASSA between April   was made available to SASSA   R2.8 billion in the Special
                          administered and paid by   between April 2019 and   2020 and March 2021 with the          for the payment of social   Appropriations Act and
                          SASSA on behalf of DSD  March 2020 with the   monthly breakdown as follows                grants between April 2021 to   R26.2 billion in the 2021
                                                monthly breakdown as                                                March 2022 with the monthly   Adjusted Estimates of
                                                follows (R’000):      (R’000):                                      breakdown as follows:    National Expenditure was
                                                 •  April: R14 279 182   •  April: R36 929                           •  April: R18.1 billion   allocated in the 2021/22
                                                 •  May: R 14 356 062   •  May: R20 532 603                          •  May: R15.8 billion    financial year for the
                                                 •  June: R14 436 354   •  June: R20 537 539                         •  June: R16.0 billion   payment of the SRD R350
                                                 •  July: R14 454 759   •  July: R32 941 898                         •  July: R16.0 billion   grant until March 2022
                                                 •  Aug: R14 489 448   •  Aug: R12 111 660                           •  Aug: R16.1 billion
                                                 •  Sept: R14 550 922   •  Sept: R21 647 059                         •  Sept: R16.1 billion
                                                 •  Oct: R14 657 741   •  Oct: R26 202 419                           •  Oct: R16.15 billion
                                                 •  Nov: R14 775 109   •  Nov: R17 816 138                           •  Nov: R16.19 billion
                                                 •  Dec: R14 699 837   •  Dec: R17 398 652                           •  Dec: R16.2 billion
                                                 •  Jan: R14 692 936   •  Jan: R17 037 009                           •  Jan: R16.15 billion
                                                 •  Feb: R14 545 490   •  Feb: R 14 034 690                          •  Feb: R29.2 billion
                                                 •  March: R30 351 635  •  Mar: R18 660 341                          •  March: R29.3 billion
         Strategies to overcome underperformance
         The Department has paid monthly social assistance grants as per requirement of the Social Assistance Act.

                                                                                                                    DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2021/22  47
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