Page 50 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 50


        Programme 3: Social Security Policy  and Administration

        Programme Purpose

        To provide for social security policy development, administrative   Following the publication of two editions of the Social Budget
        justice, the administration of social  grants, and the reduction  of   Bulletin,  the  Department  finalised  the  work  on  the  third  edition
        incorrect benefit payments.                           which focuses on social expenditure in South Africa. Considering
                                                              government’s interventions during the Covid-19 pandemic, the
        Social Security Policy Development                    edition reviews and analyses the socio-economic impact and
                                                              expenditure incurred to save economy and improve the livelihoods
        During the reporting period, the Department conducted extensive   of the poor and vulnerable individuals and households.  The third
        consultations on extending Basic Income Support (BIS) for those   edition of the bulletin will be launched and published in the new
        between the ages of 18 and 59. With the support of the International   financial year.
        Labour Organisations, the Department released a technical report
        on feasibility and sustainability of extending the BIS.   Furthermore, the  Appeals  Adjudication unit continued to ensure
                                                              service delivery and that appeals were adjudicated within the
        A draft SASSA  Amendment Bill was developed during the  year.   stipulated timeframe. In this regard, a total of 97.96% of appeals
        The  main  aim  of  the  amendment  is  to  improve  the  governance   (1 588 of 1 621) were adjudicated within ninety (90) days of
        arrangements for the entity. The process to obtain approval for the   receipt.  A significantly lower number of appeals were received than
        amendment and to submit the Bill to Parliament will commence in   estimated due to delays in the approval of the regulations to the
        the next financial year.                              Social Assistance Amendment Act.

        The Green Paper on Comprehensive Social Security and Retirement   During the reporting period, the Inspectorate for Social Assistance
        Reform was  gazetted for public comments.  This  Paper  presents   conducted a Phase 2 audit on social grants payment model. The audit
        the  significant  gaps  in  South Africa’s  social  security  system  and   reviewed the SASSA and SAPO compliance with the Master Services
        presents recommendations. The intent is to build a comprehensive   Agreement (MSA) and Service Level Agreement (SLA), as well as the
        social  security  system that  meets the  Constitutional  mandate  of   grant payment processes and monthly payment and reconciliation
        ensuring access to social security for all.           of SAPO service fees and social grant expenditure processes. The
                                                              audit provided important recommendations for strengthening of
        The Paper will also ensure that the institutional framework   the controls in the management and administration of the social
        contributes  to  coherence  in  policymaking  and  benefit  provisions   grants.
        across social assistance, social insurance and  voluntary private
        arrangements. However, the Green Paper was withdrawn to allow
        for  further  refinements  on  some  of  the  contentious  issues  that
        were misrepresented and misinterpreted.  The Department has
        commenced  the  refinements.  The  level  of  interest  in  the  paper
        shows the significance of the issues at hand and there is need for a
        public engagement of these comprehensive social security issues.

        The Department launched the inaugural Social Security Review
        publication in February 2022 under the theme, “Evolution of Social
        Security  in  South Africa: An Agenda  for Action…working  towards
        a Social Compact”. The publication is central to the activation of
        debates and enhances broader public participation in topical social
        security issues.

        The publication covers a wide spectrum of issues, from the
        historical perspective of social security in the country; linkages to
        Section 27 of the Constitution and the rights-based approach; the
        relationship between social security and the economy; and some
        policy actions undertaken by Government to provide social security
        and protection for South Africans. The Department commenced the
        work to produce the second edition of the publication based on
        critical and analytic research on cross-cutting themes for a wider
        readership audience.

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