Page 51 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 51
Comprehensive Social Security
Outcome Empowered, resilient individuals, families, and sustainable communities
Output Output Actual Achievement Actual Achievement Annual Actual Output 2021/22 Reasons for Deviation from
Indicator 2019/20 2020/21 Target 2021/22 2021/22 target
Policies and Policies and legislation The revised Policy on Green Paper on Consultation report Engagements with the The Green Paper was withdrawn
legislation improving Mandatory Cover for Comprehensive Social on Green Paper Nedlac social partners in the second quarter of 2021/22
improving social security Retirement, Disability Security was completed on Comprehensive were finalised. The Green to allow for further refinements
social security coverage and Survivor Benefits was Social Security Paper was gazetted for to the contentious issues.
coverage implemented not submitted to FOSAD. public comments. However, Some of the proposals were
A detailed progress report consultation report was misrepresented. The Department
was submitted to the not completed due to the has commenced the work on the
Technical Working Group withdrawal of the Green refinements with the intention to
(TWG) of the SPCHD Paper. Refinements to the implement public engagements
Cluster. Green Paper commenced on completion of due processes.
and a Cabinet memo
Outcome Reduced levels poverty, inequality, vulnerable and social ills
Policy on Integrating Policy on Integrating A discussion paper on Costed policy options on Draft Policy on Integrating A draft Policy on No deviation
Children’s Grant Children’s Grant linking CSG beneficiaries linking children grants to Children’sGgrant Integrating Children’s
Deneficiaries Bneficiaries with government services government services was Beneficiaries with Grants Beneficiaries with
with Government with Government was completed completed Government Services Government Services
eSrvices Services approved developed.
Maternal support for Policy on maternal N/A Costing of Maternal Complete policy on Policy on Maternal Support No deviation
vulnerable pregnant support approved Support Policy was maternal support completed.
women and children completed
Amended Fundraising legislation N/A The Fund-Raising Develop and publish The Department briefed The drafting of the regulations
Fundraising amended Amendment Bill was draft Regulations on the the Portfolio Committee on is dependent on the finalisation
legislation submitted to Parliament amended Fund-Raising Social Development on the of the Fund-Raising Amendment
for consideration legislation for public Fund-Raising Amendment Bill. This could not take place
comments Bill in June 2021. No further because scheduled hearings on
hearings were scheduled in the Bill were postponed owing to
the second, third and fourth local government elections.
Draft SASSA SASSA Act N/A N/A Draft SASSA Draft SASSA Amendment Bill No deviation
Amendment Bill Amended Amendment Bill was compiled
Policy on Income Policy on Income N/A Draft policy proposal on Compile Consultations Consultation Report on No deviation
Support for 18 Support for 18-59 year income support to 18-59 Report on draft Income Support to 18 to
to 59 year olds olds approved year olds was completed Policy for Income 59-year-olds compiled.
Support to 18 to 59-year-