Page 108 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 108

PART B: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION                                                             DONOR FUNDS

        Table 6: Church of Jesus Christ (CJC) of Latter Day Saints SA
         Name of donor              Church of Jesus Christ (CJC) of Latter Day Saints SA
         Full amount of the funding  R800 000
         Period of the commitment   October 2021 (Once off)
         Purpose of the funding     Distribution of food parcels to KwaZulu Natal and Gauteng Provinces
         Expected outputs           Delivery of 10 000 Food Parcels to families affected by the protests and related looting, vandalism
                                    and acts of criminality in KZN (6 000) and Gauteng (4 000).
         Actual outputs achieved    10 000 food parcels delivered
         Amount received (R’000)    800
         Amount spent by the Department  800
         Reasons for the funds unspent   N/A
         Monitoring mechanism by the   Weekly Project team meetings.

        Table 7: Old Mutual
         Name of donor               Old Mutual
         Full amount of the funding  R1 000 000
         Period of the commitment    June 2021 -31 March 2022 (Extended to the 2022/23 financial year)
         Purpose of the funding      Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Livelihoods.
         Expected outputs            Delivery of 10 000 Food Parcels to families affected by the protests and related looting, vandalism
                                     and acts of criminality in KZN (6 000) and Gauteng (4 000).
         Actual outputs achieved     10 000 food parcels delivered.
         Amount received (R’000)     800
         Amount spent by the Department  800

         Reasons for the funds unspent   N/A
         Monitoring mechanism by the   Weekly Project team meetings.

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