Page 103 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 103
Donor funds received in cash
Table 1: German Development Bank
Name of donor German Development Bank (KfW)
Full amount of the funding £7 668 418
Total project funds amount to £9,9 million, of which £2 231 581 is for consultancy
services to be paid directly to the service provider.
Period of the commitment 2013 - December 2020
Purpose of the funding • The objective of the project is to enable orphans and vulnerable children and
youth to access comprehensive social development services in refurbished and
adequately equipped Community Care Centres (CCCs). Furthermore, these children
and youth will bene fit at an individual level through the skills development
programmes that are aimed at addressing their needs, to gain resilience and for
optimum functioning and development.
• The project is implemented in two (2) components, namely the technical component
and the social component.
• The technical component involves Community Care Centre (CCCs) construction,
refurbishment and equipment.
• The social component involves the provision of comprehensive social development
services and the implementation of skills development programmes for Orphans,
Vulnerable Children and Youth (OVCY).
Expected outputs • 17 CCCs built and furnished.
• CCC management capacitated on management skills.
• Implementers capacitated on comprehensive CCC services.
• Beneficiaries empowered on life and vocational skills.
Actual outputs achieved Lethabong CCC, like the other two CCCs in North West province, was granted practical
completion certificate on 29/ 11/ 2021. Kgomotso, Ipelegeng and Boikhutso CCCs
were granted final completion certificates. Three (3) CCCs in Limpopo are yet to be
Amount received (R’000) 0
Amount spent by the Department (R’000) 2 696
Reasons for the funds unspent N/A
Monitoring mechanism by the donor Quarterly reports to donor, audited financial statements and Don or site visits.
Table 2: Criminal Asset Recovery Account: Provision of Victim Empowerment Services
Name of donor Criminal Asset Recovery Account (CARA)
Full amount of the funding R26 000 000
Period of the commitment 01 July 2012 - March 2016
Purpose of the funding To improve victim empowerment services by providing capacity building and funding
to emerging organisations and shelters.
Expected outputs • Funding and capacity building of CSOs that provide services to victims of crime.
• Funding to shelters for victims of crime and vulnerable groups.
Actual outputs achieved The Department continued to monitor funded Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in
the Victim Empowerment Programme sector.
Amount received (R’000) 255
Amount spent by the Department (R’000) 0
Reasons for the funds unspent N/A
Monitoring mechanism by the donor Quarterly reports to donor, audited financial statements and Don or site visits.