Page 101 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 101

CONDITIONAL GRANTS                                                   PART B: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 34

        8. Early Childhood Development Conditional Grant: North West Province

         Department/ Municipality to   North West Provincial Department of Social Development
         whom the grant has been
         Purpose of the grant         •  To increase the number of poor children accessing subsidised ECD services through centre
                                         and non-centre based programmes.
                                      •  To  support  ECD  providers  delivering  an  ECD  programme  to  meet  basic  health  and  safety
                                         requirements for registration.
                                      •  To pilot the construction of new low cost ECD centres.
         Expected outputs of the grant  The grant has two components with detailed outputs, conditions and responsibilities for each
                                     component specified in separate frameworks.
                                     Outputs reflected in the respective frameworks for the following two grant components outline
                                     the number of:

                                      •  Eligible children subsidised, as agreed in the service level agreement (SLA).
                                      •  Children attending ECD services in fully registered centres.
                                      •  Attending ECD services in conditionally registered centres.
                                      •  Subsidised from the grant in fully registered centres.
                                      •  Subsidised from the grant in conditionally registered centres.
                                      •  Days subsidised for centre based programmes.
                                      •  Children subsidised through provincial own revenue including equitable share that are prof
                                         the top-up grant.
                                      •  Equitable share children benefiting from the top-up grant.
                                      •  ECD Practitioners and other staff employed in registered ECD centres benefitting from the

                                      •  ECD centres assessed for infrastructure support and health and safety standards.
                                      •  ECD centres whose registrations status improved as a result of the infrastructure component.
                                      •  Low cost ECE centres constructed.
         Actual outputs achieved     Subsidy

                                      •  266 Business plans were received and assessed;
                                      •  189 Service Level Agreements (SLA’s) have been signed;
                                      •  The province received 16 payment batches for the Stimulus Relief Fund containing 726 ECD
                                         Services for 3 008 staff members of which 462 ECD Services and 2 526 staff members have
                                         been paid.
                                      •  12 ECD centres were identified to benefit from the Maintenance grant of which 1 is a new
                                         construction and 2 is unregistered centres;
                                      •  The 2 unregistered centres were identified in order for them to be conditionally registered;
                                      •  Contractors have completed almost 50% of the work in 4 ECD centres;
                                      •  5 ECD centres were briefed, but quotations were in excess of the available budget. As a result
                                         re briefings were scheduled;
                                      •  Quotations received from the briefing conducted at 1 centre of which relevant documents are
                                         still with Supply Chain Management.
         Amount per amended DORA     R103,702
         Amount transferred   (R’000)  R103,702
         Reasons if amount as per DORA   N/A
         not transferred
         Amount spent by the department/  R62,249
         municipality (R’000)
         Reasons for the funds unspent by   The reasons for unspent funds per grant component are as follows:
         the entity                  Subsidy
                                      •  Due to non-compliance matters most of the Business Plans received could not be processed;
                                      •  This resulted in Service Level Agreements (SLA’s) not being signed.
                                      •  Delayed procurement processes via the Provincial Supply Chain Management.
         Monitoring mechanism by the   The Department uses monthly, quarterly and in-year Monitoring reports to monitor progress.
         transferring Department

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