Page 104 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 104

PART B: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION                                                             DONOR FUNDS

         Table 3: Criminal Asset Recovery Account:  Services to Victims Of Crime
         Name of donor            Criminal Asset Recovery Account (CARA)
         Full amount of the funding  R50 000 000.00 (Received in the 2020/21 financial year)
         Period of the commitment  October 2017 - March 2022
         Purpose of the funding   Provision of financial assistance to institutions rendering services to victims of crime.
         Expected outputs         Improved access to care, support and prevention services, and interventions through strengthened
                                  support for those involved in response
                                  and prevention, including civil society stakeholders.
         Actual outputs achieved    •  169 Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) were recommended for funding.
                                    •  R40 million was transferred to 169 Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in two equal tranches.
         Amount received (R’000)  21 300 (Rolled over from the 2020/21 financial year
         Amount spent by the      11 300
         Department (R’000)
         Reasons for the funds unspent   •  NDA has committed an amount of R5 million for mentoring and coaching which will be finalised
                                      in the 2021/23 financial year.
                                    •  An additional amount of R5 million has been committed for the implementation of the Integrated
                                      Media Campaign on Gender Based Violence, Substance Abuse and Social Crime Prevention. The
                                      funds have been transferred to the Government Communication and Information Systems (GCIS)
                                      as an advance for the implementation of this Integrated Media Campaign over a period of six
                                      months starting from April to September 2022.
         Monitoring mechanism by the   Monthly reports to the Donor.

        Table 4: Criminal Asset Recovery Account: Gender-Based Violence and Femicide
         Name of donor            Criminal Asset Recovery Account (CARA)
         Full amount of the funding  R50 000 000.00 (Received in the 2020/21 financial year)
         Period of the commitment  December 2019 - March 2022
         Purpose of the funding   Supporting services to victims of Gender-Based Violence and Femicide.
         Expected outputs           •  Improved access to justice for victims of crime and violence including survivors of Gender-Based
                                    •  A better-informed public about laws, rights and responsibilities underpinned by a public
                                      education campaign around survivor’s rights (women, children and LGBTQI persons) under the
                                      law, challenging the use and acceptability of GBV, patriarchy and related forms of discrimination
                                      and inequalities.
                                    •  Increased access to economic opportunities that set out to meaningfully address women’s social
                                      and economic vulnerability.
         Actual outputs achieved    •  143 Civil Society Organisations have been recommended for funding.
                                    •  The total R20 350 000 was transferred to 127 Civil Society Organisations as first tranche payments.
                                    •  Another R10 200 000 has been transferred to 46 of these Civil Society Organisations as second
                                      tranche payments.
         Amount received (R’000)  32 700 (Rolled over from the 2020/21 financial year )
         Amount spent by the      13 250
         Department (R’000)

         Reasons for the funds unspent   •  The process of conducting performance reviews in preparing for second tranche payments to
                                      more complying Civil Society Organisations is underway.
                                    •  A total of 16 Civil Society Organisations from the 143 recommended Civil Society Organisations
                                      have failed to submit compliance documents and therefore were not paid the first tranches.
                                    •  NDA has since advertised another call for proposals and 35 new Civil Society Organisations have
                                      been recommended for funding.
         Monitoring mechanism by the   Quarterly reports to the Donor.

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