Page 112 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
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         •  Supported the developed of GCBS/G2G transition plan  at the site level
         •  GCBS team participate in Dept. monthly and quarterly meetings   •  Updated NPO and SPs GPS coordinates on the USAID website
            providing  input  on  sustainability  activities  and  supporting   •  One  hundred  and  thirty-four  (134)  routine  data  quality
            planning for incorporation of these into the Department’s   assessments (RDQAs) conducted
            plans and budgets                                  •  MERL capacity development and training on CBIMS
        •   Support at provincial and district level through participation in   requirements
            the Department’’s events focused on improved social welfare
            services.                                         2.2. Cross-Cutting: Systems Strengthening for Improved
        Strategic Objective 2: To improve timely availability and use
        of reliable data on program performance monitoring and   Strategy 5: Documenting, communicating, and sharing best practice,
        evaluation (M&E) and information on the social effects of   learning and results
        HIV and AIDS and other vulnerabilities faced by children
                                                              Summary of Outcomes
        2.1. Electronic Case Management                        •  Some of the Department’s provincial teams conducted quarterly
                                                                 performance reviews in GCBS-supported districts
        Strategy 4: Systems and capacity for the collection, analysis,   •  Abstract submitted to the International AIDS Conference
        and utilization of data                                •  YOLO evaluation published in the African Evaluation Journal
                                                               •  XXResearch  studies  undertaken  on  GCBS  province  specific
        Summary of Outcomes                                      summaries (2013-2021); SBCC ChommY/Let’s talk perception
         •  Fifty nine thousand and eighty-one (59 081) remote counselling   of participants; ChommY pre and post analysis; Let’s Talk pre
            sessions provided                                    and post analysis; HTS guidelines pre and post training test
         •  Forty-two thousand, three hundred and seventy-four (42 374)   compared to performance data
            SMS alerts sent for improved access to services with a focus on
            HTS and GBV
         •  Data tracking system in place with relevant alerts
         •  Continued to develop expertise and skills in effective data use
            for decision-making across all levels of the Department and
            within funded NPOs during COVID-19 restrictions
         •  Conducted routine monitoring of processes and quality of
            services implemented across districts
         •  GCBS-supported staff at NPOs and SPs analyse and use data

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