Page 117 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 117
The Code of Conduct seeks to promote and maintain high standard Notwithstanding the fact that the purpose of the Code is to promote
of professional ethics throughout the Department and the public exemplary conduct, an employee shall be guilty of misconduct in
service. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa mandates the term of the Disciplinary Code and Procedure for the Public Service
Public Service Commission to regulate the processes and procedures (PSCBC Resolution 1 of 2003) and Chapter 7 of the SMS Handbook
for good ethical conduct. The Code of Conduct for the Public Service if he or she contravene any provision of the Code of Conduct. The
was promulgated in 1997 and subsequently promoted in national prescribed disciplinary processes and procedures are applicable
and provincial departments through workshops. The Code of Conduct which might result in disciplinary outcomes and sanction of a
is an important pillar in the establishment of good governance warning, suspension without pay, demotion or dismissal if an
and ethical conduct of public servants. It also raises such issues as implicated employee is found guilty of misconduct for contravening
respect for human rights, the rule of law, accountability, transparency the Code of Conduct.
in government, personal conduct and private interest.
Introduction. Procurement of Personal Protective Equipment.
The Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No.85 of 1993), The following Personal Protective Equipment was procured as part of
requires the employer to bring about and maintain, as far as internal interventions in response to Covid-19 pandemic:
reasonably practicable, a work environment that is safe and without • Procurement of sixty (60) Covid-19 freestanding perspex desk
risk to the health of the workers. The Act require both the employers screens for protection of officials that need social distancing.
and the workers to take responsibility for health and safety. This These are used by staff who have direct contact with other officials
is addressed through the principle that dangers in the workplace and the public. The Covid-19 desk screens prevent the spread of
must be addressed by communication and cooperation between the the Covid-19 virus and protect officials from direct contact with
workers and the employer. Both parties must pro-actively identify others.
dangers and develop control measures to make the workplace safe. • The procurement of a total of five hundred (500) one-litre hand
In this way, the employer and the workers are involved in a system plastic sanitiser spray bottles for each office in the Department
where health and safety representatives may inspect the workplace (Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), Harlequins Office
regularly and then report to a health and safety committee, who in Park and the Gender-Based Violence Command Centre (GBVCC)
turn may submit recommendations to the employer. buildings).
• The procurement of light commercial disinfectant fogger machine
The revised Occupational Health and Safety Policy of the Department and disinfectant for the decontamination of the 45 GG vehicles on
was approved by its Management Committee (MANCO) in January a regular basis. At a minimum, it was required to clean and disinfect
2021. commonly touched surfaces in the vehicle at the beginning and
end of each utilisation of the vehicle and between transporting
Health and Safety Committee. passengers.
The Acting Director General (ADG) has reconstituted a new Health and • The procurement of sixty thousand (60 000) disposable masks for
Safety Committee comprised of senior managers, middle managers all staff and visitors in the HSRC, Harlequins and GBVCC offices.
and junior staff. This was to ensure the appointment of members who • The procurement of the decontamination and sanitisation services
will serve the interest of all employees as far as health and safety for the HSRC, Harlequins and GBVCC buildings on monthly basis
matters are concerned. The functioning of this Committee was a key as a Covid-19 prevention measure. The offices will continue to be
requirement in terms of COVID-19 protocols across all government sanitised monthly or as and when required.
departments. Various branches were invited to nominate Health • Procurement of two hundred (200) buckets of sanitiser wipes
and Safety Representatives for the Health and Safety Committee. for all board rooms and bathrooms for the offices of the HSRC
The Health and Safety Representatives were formally appointed in Building, Harlequins Office Park and Gender Based Violence
January 2021. The Committee meets to initiate, promote, maintain and Command Centre (GBVCC).
review measures of ensuring the Occupational Health and Safety in • The allocation of the First Aid Kits to the Administrative Assistant
the Department. of Deputy Directors-General or Chief Directors per wing per floor
to be administered by the nurses as and when the need arises.
Training of Health and Safety Representatives. • The procurement of 6000 litres of 70% alcohol-based hand
The Health and Safety Representatives serving on the Occupational sanitiser the HSRC, Harlequins and GBVC buildings.
Health and Safety Committee must have a thorough knowledge • The approval for the appointment of a professional Occupational
and understanding of the legislative requirements (Occupational Health and Safety Practitioner in the financial year 2022/23, with
Health and Safety Act). They must also be aware of their duties and effect from date of assumption of duty for a fixed term period of
responsibilities as well as to be familiar with all administrative six (6) months. It is important to appoint an OHS Practitioner to
requirements involved for safety at the workplace. The 21 newly assist and ensure that all safety plans and programmes developed
appointed Health and Safety Representatives of the Health and by the Department are effectively and efficiently implemented in
Safety Committee were trained on their responsibilities following line with the set regulations.
their appointment in January 2021. • Departmental COVID-19 Decontamination Protocol: Once a