Page 118 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
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positive case is reported, the decontamination and sanitization workplace is kept clean at all times. All officials in the Department
of the affected floor, common areas, and or building, will be must always promote and maintain good hygiene practices. Provision
done as far as possible on the day the positive case or suspected of personal protective equipment: The Department continued to
case of COVID-19 is reported. This may require refusing apply the “no mask – no entry” policy in line with all protocols and
officials’ entry into the building or early closure of the floor and directives issued to mitigate Covid-19 infections. No staff member
or building depending on the time the information has come to or visitor could refuse to wear personal protective equipment as
attention of Management. As a preventative measure, the floor such has been declared compulsory by the Department of Health.
or building will only be reopened on the following day for work
to commence. In this regard, staff will be informed accordingly. Social Distancing: The maintenance of the 1.5-meter social
distancing continues to be observed on all floors, reception, lifts
Effect it has on the Department. and offices. Officials are regularly reminder to take note of all the
Sanitisation of the workplace: The offices continue to be sanitised Departmental protocols that were developed and those that were
monthly or as and when required. All common areas, boardrooms, issued by the Department of Public Service and Administration.
lifts and areas with high traffic volume are sanitised on a more
regular basis. All protocols on the management of COVID-19 in the
workplace remain in force.
General Hygiene: The cleaning services continue to ensure that the
For the year under review, the Department appeared before the Portfolio Committee as follows:
16 April Foster Care court • The National Department of Social Development presented the Foster Care Progress Report on
2021 order progress; the implementation of the Northern Gauteng High Court order. The presentation covered progress
SASSA & NDA on the comprehensive National legal solution, an overview of the foster care backlog, deployment
2020/21 Quarter 3 of the web-based foster care monitoring tool and high-level challenges and interventions. The
performance; with provincial Departments of Social Development presented their respective reports on the foster
Minister & Deputy care backlogs. The presentations focused on the mechanisms, structures and resources relating to
each province. The presentations emphasised the progress to date with respect to their provincial
targets and deviations.
• The Committee noted that the number of Foster Care Grants had been declining over the previous
five years and requested clarity regarding the causes of the decline. The general challenge across
the provinces, in terms of an insufficient number of social work supervisors, was highlighted as
concerning. It was asked how the comprehensive legal solution would address this. Clarity was
requested regarding what was meant by the ‘ilima’ approach. The Committee requested information
regarding the timelines and delays in the funding for Early Childhood Development Centres from
the President’s Stimulus Employment Fund.
• It was asked why the old types of abridged certificates were no longer accepted by some courts.
The Committee asked how the Department would address the number of hijackings of government
vehicles and the number of cases of fraud? The Committee requested clarity regarding the number
of pay points, and the locations thereof, across the Country.
• The South African Social Security Agency presented its Third Quarter Performance Report for the
period October to December 2020. A contextual analysis was presented as well as the targets that
had fallen behind over a nine-month period. Progress was presented as well as the implementation
of COVID-19 relief measures and the implementation of various programmes was presented. The
South African Social Security Agency then presented the Third Quarter Expenditure Report, it
covered the compensation of employees, goods and services and recommendations.
• The National Development Agency presented its Third Quarter report for the 2020/21 financial
year. Programming within the COVID-19 environment was presented as well as the associated
programme performance. The reasons for deviations were outlined; the approved turnaround
strategy and strategic partnerships were presented. The research publications that informed
development practice were outlined. The National Development Agency’s Expenditure Report was
presented, it covered the revenue, expenditure per programme and a breakdown of a number of