Page 123 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 123
25 August Update on • DSD and DBE provided and Update on Early Childhood Development (ECD) function shift
2021 migration of • Context of Improvements; and Areas of function Improvement.
Early Childhood • The ECD to look to consider different registration methods for different programmes
Development: DSD • DBE should not group all ECDs together when the Department did the registration, but rather that
& DBE briefing; the Department should consider different ECD programmes separately.
with Ministers • DSD clarified the issue of standardised registration meant determining what a regular registration
process would look like inside ECD centres, and from non-ECD centres. Guidelines had been
developed in this regard
• Workshop should be hosted to deal with substantive issues of ECD migration
01 DSD, SASSA & NDA • DSD presented on the fourth quarter report on its performance and expenditure.
September 2020/21 Quarter • Out of fifty-nine (59) Department's targets a total of forty-two (42) were achieved, and seventeen
2021 4 performance; (17) were not met. This translated to a target achievement rate of 71%, which was an improvement
update on on the third quarter's 67% achievement rate.
implementation • The committee was worried about the targets which the DSD had not achieved pertaining to
of Covid-19 grant; gender-based violence (GBV) issues, and people struggling with substance abuse issues and
report back on CDA disabilities.
board vacancies • DSD had also introduced the Support Services Audit Development Programme (ADP), intended to
assist with their legal or financial dependencies.
• The committee gave feedback on the Subcommittee meeting on the CDA vacancies.
• Two additional members for the CDA vacancies has been appointed and inaugurated, but one
member had since passed on. The committee gave advice about how to take the process forward.
• Chairpersons from the NCOP and the NA should meet with the DSD to discuss the recommendations
• The Subcommittee to send the Portfolio Committee their shortlisted applicants, and then they
would conduct interviews and recommend the new members.
• Budget processes had to be considered in these decisions.
01 (Subcommittee) • The committee to set up a meeting with the DSD to consider recommending two additional
September CDA Board members to serve on the Central Drug Authority (CDA) Board.
2021 Vacancies: • the subcommittee recommended thirteen (13) names to the Minister for her approval.
deliberations and • The Minister appointed twelve (12) of the recommended candidates for the CDA Board, but one (1)
recommendations member had since passed on.
• Legally, the Minister was not obliged to fill the two (2) vacancies because she already opted to
appoint twelve (12) out of a maximum of thirteen (13) candidates but since the passing of one
(1) of the members, the Board was left with eleven (11) members, which was still within legal
• If the Minister insisted on filling the two (2) vacancies, the subcommittee would meet again to
discuss the way forward as this might mean starting the process afresh.
10 November Social • The Committee received a report from the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) on the audit
2021 Development outcomes for the Department of Social Development (DSD) and its entities for the 2020/21
Portfolio Audit financial year.
Outcomes; DSD, • A total of R105 million in irregular expenditure had been identified, of which R73 million had been
SASSA & NDA incurred by SASSA
2020/21 Annual • The Department presented its programme performance against its pre-determined objectives and
Report; with expenditure during the 2020/21 financial year, and had achieved forty-eight (48) of the fifty-nine
Minister (59) set targets
• The Department received an unqualified audit outcome with no findings, which was also referred
to as a “clean audit opinion”
• It had recorded a significant improvement in performance during 2020/21, where 81% of its set
targets were achieved, as compared to a 49% achievement of targets in 2019/20.
12 November Follow-up: DSD, • Members commended the Department for an unqualified audit without findings.
2021 SASSA & NDA • There were heightened levels of gender-based violence (GBV), Femicide and child neglect during
2020/21 Annual the pandemic, yet the substance abuse system could not be developed in the Department.
Report • Department's analysis on the requirements for the integration of GBV and the Victim Empowerment
Programme (VEP) systems was now complete. A service provider had been appointed, and the
systems would be developed accordingly. The Department would report quarterly since this was
part of the targets for the current financial year.
• There were 94% of NPOs payments made, and 100% in some provinces
• The Department was developing a system to have a three-year funding plan, so that service level
agreements (SLAs) did not have to be signed every year. The system would ensure that once the
NPOs were nominated, they received the funding in time, using an electronic system.